Chapter 25: Advice

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Suho's POV:

"How to get your crush to to like you," I typed into my phone. I took a bite out of my toast as I clicked on a random website. I then read what the website said:
        1. Make them jealous
2. Act casual around them
3. Dress to impress

"Does this actually work?" I pondered as I ate the last bite of my toast and turned my phone off. I sighed and got up from my chair, making sure to place my dirty dishes away in the sink before grabbing my backpack from off of the couch and walking to the bus stop.


I walked into math class and took a seat at my desk. Seojun wasn't here yet which didn't surprise me since he was usually late to class. The bell rang and the teacher handed out the class work to each desk. When she got to Seojun's desk she stopped and looked over at me.

"Do you know where Seojun is?" The teacher asked me, and I replied by shaking my head no.

       "Okay," the teacher sighed as she placed the class work onto Seojun's empty desk just in case he ended up coming to class.

I zipped open my backpack, grabbed a pencil, and began my math problems. After about 10 minutes I was already halfway done with them.

"IM SO SORRY FOR BEING LATE!" Someone screamed as they threw open the door, startling basically the whole class, including me. I looked over at the door and of course standing there, panting, was Seojun.

"Go take a seat at your desk. And meet me after class, I would like to have a talk with you," the teacher informed Seojun, and in response Seojun hesitantly nodded his head. The raven-haired student then came shuffling over to his desk next to me.

"Look who finally decided to show up," I teased Seojun as he grabbed a pencil from out of his backpack. He glared at me before staring at his page of unsolved math problems.

"I don't get any of this..." Seojun sighed as he laid his head on his desk, disregarding the class work. Was he really giving up that fast?

"Why were you so late today?" I asked Seojun as I looked over at him. He had bags under his eyes and looked exhausted. How late did he go to bed?

"I accidentally slept in," Seojun replied.

"You look really tired...what time did you go to bed?" I asked Seojun.

"Um...around 12 a.m. I think," Seojun answered.

"What?! Why did you stay up that late?!" I whisper shouted.

"I had a lot of homework to do," Seojun shrugged before shutting his eyes, getting ready to fall asleep.

"What the heck, you can't just sleep in class," I scolded Seojun as I nudged his shoulder. He just ignored me and continued his nap, desperate to make up for the hours of sleep he lost last night.

I sighed and focused my attention back onto my math problems. Unlike Seojun, I didn't want to get in trouble for not finishing my class work. I mean, Seojun didn't even try to solve the problems.

After another 10 minutes I was finished with my worksheet. I got up and placed the sheet of paper into the turn in bin before heading back to my desk and taking a seat on my chair. I looked over at Seojun and saw that he was still sleeping.

"He must be really tired," I whispered as I laid my head on my desk and gazed at Seojun as he slept. He looked peaceful. His dark bangs fell across his face and I brushed them away to reveal his gorgeous face. Everything about him was so perfect, from his long lashes to his thick lips.

His lips...

I slowly reached my hand out and gently placed my thumb onto his bottom lip. God, I liked him way too much. To me he was just so...flawless.

"I wish I had the confidence to tell you that I like y-," I began whispering, but I immediately stopped talking when Seojun's eyes came fluttering open and he gave me a confused look.

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