Chapter 26: Your Eyes

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       Seojun's POV:

"I wish I had the confidence to tell you that I like y-," I heard Suho say, which woke me up from my nap. When I opened my eyes they immediately met with Suho's hazel ones. He was laying on his desk and was staring directly at me.

       "What were you going to say?" I asked Suho as I gently rubbed my eyes to help rid the tiredness from my face. Staying up till 12 a.m. was not my best decision. Suho tensed at my question, widening his eyes and freezing in place.

       "Um, nothing. I wasn't saying anything," Suho blurted out, but I wasn't buying it, he was acting too suspicious.

       "You sure?" I questioned, and Suho aggressively nodded his head in response. But as I gazed into his piercing hazel eyes, I could tell that he was lying.

       "Okay..." I murmured as I continued to observe Suho's facial expression. He was definitely hiding something...but what?

       The bell then rang, interrupting me from my thoughts. I looked down at my worksheet and felt my stomach drop as I stared at my still empty worksheet.

       "Shit...I'm screwed," I muttered as I grabbed my pencil and began writing random numbers onto my sheet, hoping that I wouldn't get into too much trouble if it at least looked like I tried to solve the problems.

       "Goodbye class," the teacher said as she waved goodbye to students as they walked out of the classroom. Suho got up from his desk and I did as well. I tried hiding behind students, attempting to sneak out of the class so that the teacher wouldn't be able to spot me.

       "Hey, where do you think you're going?" The teacher asked as she glared at me and gestured for me to come over to her desk.


I hesitantly handed my class work over to the teacher and prepared myself for the scolding. I watched as she glanced over my worksheet, checking the answers. But I knew that they were all incorrect.

        "Seojun...did you even try?" The teacher sighed as she gave me a concerned look.

       " ma'am, not really," I shrugged.

       "Seojun, if you continue to not do your work you might fail this class. You realize that, right?" The teacher informed me.

"Yes I know...but math is just so difficult for me for some reason. That's why I sort of just stopped trying," I admitted.

"Have you thought about getting a tutor?" The teacher asked me.

"Not really," I shrugged. Honestly, I've never really thought about getting a tutor. It seemed like a waste of time to me, but I guess now that I was practically failing math class I didn't have much of a choice.

       "Well I suggest that you find one," the teacher advised me, and I nodded in agreement.

       "You can head to your next class now. Let me know if you need help finding a tutor," she told me, and I replied by saying, "Okay, thank you."

        I then exited the classroom and made my way to my next class, music.

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