Chapter 54: Why?

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Seojun's POV:

       I rang Ju-kyung's doorbell, patiently waiting for the door to open.

       "Hey! Come on in quickly, my mom doesn't know that I invited you over," Ju-kyung said as she gestured for me to enter her house.

       "Turn around. Leave," my mind told me, yet I didn't.

       I was led upstairs and into her room. She sat on the edge of her bed, patting the spot next to her as she told me to sit.

       "So..." I awkwardly mumbled, feeling a bit uncomfortable as I sat down. How would Suho react if he knew that I was here..?

       "How about we continue our conversation from where it was left off, alright?" she said with an innocent grin, to which I nodded my head in agreement. "Do you think Suho will ever come back?"

       "I...I honestly don't know. His dad is so fucking scary and I'm guessing he's the reason why Suho blocked me," I shrugged.

       "Well what if Suho blocked you because he wants to move on? What if he doesn't like you anymore Seojun?" Ju-kyung commented, head turned so that our eyes met.

       "Wait wha-"

       "I mean, he'll surely find some other guy in America who he'll fall in love with and end up marrying. So it'd be best if you forgot about him as soon as possible, right? You have to find someone who actually likes you," she added on, placing her hand on mine. "Like me."

       Before I could even process what she had said, Ju-kyung smashed our lips together, pushing me backwards on the bed as she got onto my lap. My eyes widened as I fumbled to get her off of me.

This was such a bad idea.

       "Get the fuck off of me," I gasped, struggling to speak as she roughly forced her tongue into my mouth. She pinned my hands above my head, her nails digging into my skin as she stopped me from moving.

       "Suho doesn't love you, I do. I always have," she whispered into my ear in a seductive tone, causing me to shiver. One of her hands managed to slip underneath my shirt, touching my bare skin all over.

I hate this.

       "Get off," I pleaded once again, only to be ignored. I shut my eyes, my body breaking out in a cold sweat as I felt her hand unzip my pants.

       Suddenly, I heard a voice come from outside Ju-kyung's room, causing my eyes to snap open.

        "Mom says dinner's ready Ju-kyung. C'mon."

       It was her little brother, Juyoung.

       "HELP," I attempted to call out, yet my voice was pretty much inaudible due to the fact that Ju-kyung's tongue was currently being shoved down my throat.

       "Did you hear me? I said dinner's ready, let's go," Juyoung repeated, knocking on her door which was currently locked.

       "Mmm~ I'm busy...," she mumbled in response, her hand continuing to touch my crotch.

       "I don't care, hurry up I'm hungry," Juyoung whined.

       Ju-kyung sighed as she let go of my wrists and got off of my body. Before I could say a word, she smacked her hand over my lips, warning me to stay quiet. Then she dragged me towards her window, motioning for me to leave the house through it.

       Hesitantly, Ju-kyung removed her hand from my lips, expecting me to follow through with her plan.

       "Fucking bitch," I hissed as I shoved her away from me, causing her to fall onto the ground. "You want me to jump out of a window? Are you crazy? And after what you just did to me, do you expect me to listen to you!?"

       "Please, my mom's gonna kill me if she finds out that a guy was in my room," she whisper yelled, getting onto her knees as she begged.

       "You disgust me," I spat before walking past her and opening her bedroom door. Her brother looked shocked once he saw me. I ignored him, making my way out of the house as quickly as I could. After putting my helmet on, I road my motorcycle back home.

       I unlocked the front door, gently shutting it behind me as I attempted to sneak into my room. Gowoon, who had been sitting on the couch, watched me with confusion as I tiptoed up the stairs.

       "Where the hell were you?!" I suddenly heard from the bottom of the staircase.

       I gulped as I turned around to face my furious looking mother.

       "I uhm...went on a walk," I replied, praying that she would believe my excuse.

       "Who goes on a walk at 12 pm??" she scoffed.

       "Well I was stressed so I figured that going on a walk would help clear my mind," I blabbered on, trying my best to make my lie more believable. "Anyways, I'm tired now so I think I'm gonna head to bed...goodnight."


       I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking the door after slamming it shut. Behind the door, I could hear my mom screaming for me to come out as she banged her hands against it. I leaned my back against the door, sliding to the ground as I held my head in frustration.

       Why did Suho have to leave?

       Why did I agree to see Ju-kyung?

       Why did I lie to my mom?


       My face felt hot. I reached my hand upwards and wiped my cheek. Tears. Tears were streaming out of my eyes. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying.

       I clenched my hand into a fist. I couldn't tell if I was angry or sad. Maybe I was feeling a mixture of both.

       "Was Ju-kyung right? Did Suho block me because he wanted to move on? Was our relationship even real?" I mumbled as panic filled my head.

       I stuck my hand into my pocket, grabbing my phone. I clicked on the contact labeled "Suho".

Seojun: Do you love me?
*message could not be delivered*

       I threw my phone across the room, the screen shattering as it hit the wall.


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