Chapter 37: Flustered

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       Suho's POV:

I heard the bathroom door unlock, which told me that Seojun was done showering. I waited for him to come walking into my room.

   And once he did, my jaw dropped.

       Rather than wearing clothes, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist, leaving his entire chest open for me to see. His black hair was still damp from the shower, dripping water onto the ground. My eyes trailed down his refined abs and to the white towel that his bare, naked body was hidden underneath.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes?" Seojun asked as he ran his fingers through his silky hair.

       "O-oh, uhm yah sure," I stuttered as I quickly got up from my bed and headed over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of boxers, gray shorts and a black t-shirt and handed them to Seojun.

       "Thanks," he said before walking back into the bathroom, getting changed into the clothes that I had lent him to wear for the night.

       I took a seat on the edge of my bed and allowed myself to digest what had just happened.

       "He...he was half-naked," I stammered as I felt my cheeks redden. I held my head in my hands, trying to calm myself. He was making it so much harder for me to hide my feelings for him.

"Should I just tell him?" I wondered as I bit my bottom lip, debating if that would be a smart or stupid decision.

"I mean, on one hand he might reject me and I might become heart broken, but on the other hand he could say that he likes me back and we could date. But then again, what are the chances of that even happening, I mean he doesn't even like me, he likes Ju-kyung," I mumbled, now sort of rambling.

"Uh...Suho?" I heard someone say, interrupting my thoughts, and when I looked up I locked eyes with a confused Seojun. Thankfully he was now fully dressed.

"Oh, hey," I gulped, trying to act somewhat natural.

"Are you okay-"

       "I'm gonna go shower real fast," I blurted out, interrupting him before rushing into the bathroom and locking the door behind me afterwards. I quickly pulled my clothes off of my body and turned on the shower. The water helped to cool me down a bit, but I still felt flushed.

       I squirted some soap into my hand and lathered it all over my body. As I was washing the soap off, realization hit me.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to be sleeping in the same bed as Seojun," I mumbled, blushing even harder as I imagined the two of us snuggled up together in bed.

Once I was finished showering, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself with my towel, wrapping it around my waist afterwards.

"Hold on, did I forget to bring clean clothes with me?" I muttered as I glanced around the bathroom. I guess when I rushed into the bathroom I had forgot to grab some clothes from my closet.


"Seojun?" I called out from inside of the bathroom, hoping that he was still awake and could hear me.

"Yah?" I heard from the other side of the door.

"Uhm, could you grab me some clothes from my closet...please?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," I heard him reply, and soon after I heard a light knock on the bathroom door.

"Thank you," I said as I opened the door a crack, allowing Seojun to quickly hand me the clothes before I once again shut the door.

I allowed my towel to drop to the ground and hurriedly put on my clothes, which consisted of a gray hoodie and black basketball shorts. Once I was dressed I exited the bathroom and headed back into the bedroom where Seojun was waiting.

"What time is it?" I asked him as I took a seat at the edge of the bed. He picked up his phone from my bedside table and read the time out loud.

"It's 2 in the morning," he told me, his voice now sounding a bit sleepy.

"Well we better go to bed now or else there's no way we'll be able to take the math test tomorrow," I said as I laid down onto the right side of the bed, pulling the blanket over myself afterwards.

I watched as Seojun hesitantly laid down next to me on the left side of the bed, covering himself with some of the blanket too.

"Well, goodnight," I said as I turned and faced Seojun, giving him a warm smile.

"Goodnight," he replied before his eyes fluttered shut and he fell right asleep.

"Cute," I whispered before shutting my eyes as well, allowing myself to fall into a deep sleep.

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