Chapter 19: Milkshakes

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Seojun's POV:

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake please," I ordered at the cafe.

"I'll also have a strawberry milkshake," Ju-kyung ordered after me.

       After we both ordered our milkshakes we sat at a table in the corner of the cafe. We waited patiently for our drinks to be made and after a few minutes they were served to us. I took a sip out of my strawberry milkshake, and I swear it was the most delicious thing I've ever drank.

       "It's so good!" I gushed as I took another huge sip out of my strawberry milkshake.

        "This has to be the best strawberry milkshake I've ever tasted," Ju-kyung replied as she took a sip of her own strawberry milkshake. As she drank, a bit of whip cream stuck to the side of her lip and so without thinking I reached my hand out and gently wiped the whip cream away with my thumb, licking it off of my thumb afterwards.

       "W-why did you do that?" Ju-kyung stuttered as her face turned bright red.

       "Oh...sorry," I mumbled as I scratched the back of my head.

       "So, why aren't you hanging out with your sister today? Isn't it her birthday?" Ju-kyung eventually asked in order to break the awkward silence that had formed between us.

       "Well I was planning on hanging out with her, but then she ditched me and went to a movie theater with her boyfriend," I shrugged.

       "Wait, my brother said that he was going to a movie theater today...are Gowoon and Juyoung dating?," Ju-kyung asked me.

       "Yup, I just found out today. And I was pretty shocked to be honest," I sighed before taking another huge sip of my strawberry milkshake.

       "Why didn't he tell me! I feel betrayed," Ju-kyung scoffed as she crossed her arms, clearly upset.

       "That's what I asked them, and they said that they didn't know how we would react so they just kept it a secret," I replied.

       "But he should've told me!!!" She yelled loudly, and I quickly covered her mouth with my hand to shush her.

       "You're being so loud, you're gonna get us kicked out!" I whisper shouted. I then moved my hand away from her mouth, and she muttered a "sorry".

       I sighed before taking the last sip of my strawberry milkshake, savoring the delicious taste.

"Aw, it's already finished," I pouted as I stared at my now empty cup. When I glanced up, I saw Ju-kyung's still halfway full strawberry milkshake. Unlike me, she had plenty left to drink.


"You can have some of mine if you want," Ju-kyung offered as she handed me her milkshake.

"Wait are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yah, I'm pretty full anyways," Ju-kyung replied while nodding her head. I grinned and eagerly took a sip out of her strawberry milkshake.

"You really like strawberries," Ju-kyung laughed as she watched me gulp down the rest of her milkshake.

       "I've always loved the taste of strawberries. They're just so sweet and juicy but also have a hint of acidity, you know?" I explained to Ju-kyung, and she nodded her head.

       We both got up from our chairs and threw away our empty cups. Then we exited the cafe and got ready to head our separate ways.

       "This was fun," Ju-kyung said as she smiled at me, and I smiled back at her.

       "We should do this more often," I replied, and she nodded her head.

       "Well I'll see you at school, bye!" Ju-kyung said as she gently patted my shoulder. Then she headed to her car while I walked over to my motorcycle.

Once I was home, I plopped down onto my bed and closed my eyes. I decided to take a nap to pass some time until Gowoon came home.

"Why is my heart fluttering?" I asked myself as I placed my hand on my shoulder where Ju-kyung touched me. With that thought in mind, I allowed sleep to take over my body.

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