Chapter 14: Why Won't you Pay Attention to Me!

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       Suho's POV:

       My stomach grumbled as I walked into the lunchroom. I held my tray of food tightly in my hands and made my way towards the lunch table Seojun and I usually sat at. But as I got closer to the table, I realized that Seojun wasn't the only one sitting at the table. Next to him, Ju-kyung was eating her lunch.

"Did she seriously have to sit here?" I muttered under my breath as I sat down across from Seojun and Ju-kyung.

"Hi," I said to Seojun, trying to gain his attention. He glanced at me for a second, giving me a warm smile, before he faced Ju-kyung again and continued his conversation with her.

"My sister's birthday is this weekend and I want to get her makeup, but I don't know much about could you help me?" Seojun explained to Ju-kyung.

"What's in it for me?" Ju-kyung asked as she continued to stuff her face with ramen.

" depends, what do you want?" Seojun asked Ju-kyung, pointing his chopsticks towards her. I was just listening to their conversation, not bothering to join it. To be honest I felt pretty left out right now but I didn't want to seem annoying so I just stayed quiet.

Ju-kyung rubbed her chin for a few seconds, probably thinking about what she should ask for from Seojun.

"Ooh I got it! I'll help you shop for makeup if you do my homework for me for a week," Ju-kyung decided.

"You do realize I get terrible grades, right?" Seojun replied with his eyebrow raised. Even I was surprised.

"I know, but my grades are just as bad as yours anyways. Plus that'll give me more time to binge watch some kdramas," Ju-kyung shrugged.

"If that's what you want, then sure I guess," Seojun sighed. I could tell that he was not going to enjoy this, because he usually never did his homework. They both then exchanged phone numbers so that they could text or call each other if needed.

   I watched as Seojun and Ju-kyung then began talking about random topics, but the longer I observed them, the more I lost my appetite. They joked, almost choking on their food multiple times while I just sat there, silently picking at my food with my fork.

I'm used to it.

I'm used to being left out.

I'm used to being forgotten about.

I'm used to being ignored.

But being disregarded by my best friend, Han Seojun, hurt a hundred times more than all of that combined. What made Ju-kyung better than me? Was she nicer? Prettier? I felt frustrated and couldn't bare listening to the two of them giggling anymore.

"I'm right here you know! Why won't you pay attention to me!" I screamed, clenching my fists so hard that my nails dug into my skin. The whole lunchroom became silent as every student looked in my direction, confused and scared. My whole body was shaking as I slowly looked up from my tray of food and met eyes with Seojun. He looked shocked, his whole body frozen. I could hear people whispering things about me, and my heart sunk as I heard their mean comments.

"He's so weird"

"Why is he yelling, gosh"


"No wonder he doesn't have friends..."

I was fed up with everything, so I decided to just leave. I got up from my seat and grabbed my backpack before running out of the lunchroom, not bothering to put my tray away. I could hear Seojun calling my name, but I just kept running until I made it near the bathrooms. Outside of the bathrooms there was a drinking fountain, so I decided to try to calm myself by taking a sip of water.

       As I got ready to leave, a student walked out of the girl's bathroom. I recognized her as Soojin.

       "Suho? Are you okay?" Soojin asked as she scanned my face, worried for me.

       "Yes," I replied monotonously. But she wasn't buying it.

       "You don't have to lie," she said, gently patting my back. We both sat down on the ground with our backs facing the wall. I took a few deep breaths before explaining everything that happened in the lunchroom to Soojin.

       "Oh, okay. Well I'm here for you, okay?" Soojin reassured me. I didn't know if I could trust her, but I still politely nodded to her.

       "Well I better go to class now, and you should too," Soojin said as she got up from the ground.

       "Yah...," I replied as I got up as well.

       "Bye," she said as she began to walk away.

       "Wait," I abruptly said. I zipped open my backpack and searched through it until I found the bottle of strawberry milk that was meant to be for Seojun.

       "Here," I offered Soojin as she faced my direction. She walked back towards me and took the strawberry milk, thanking me before heading off to class.

       I also headed to my own class, trying to forget the lunch incident. I regretted snapping at Seojun...I mean he was probably scared.

       "What if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore?" I thought as I walked into my history class, worry and fear filling my body.

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