Chapter 51: Love

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       Suho's POV:

       "Mom, this is Suho," Seojun said, motioning towards me.

       "It's nice to meet you," I grinned sincerely, reaching my hand out so that I could shake her hand.

       "Hello Suho! It's nice knowing that Seojun finally has a friend who isn't some sort of gangster," she laughed as she shook my hand. The smile on my face lowered a bit at the mention of us being "friends". Both of us knew that we were more than friends, but she didn't. Not yet at least.

       Her eyes suddenly widened once she noticed the suitcase that was sitting on the ground next to me.

       Sensing her confusion, Seojun said, "Oh- mom, is it okay if Suho stays at our house for a while?"

       "Yes, of course! We don't have any empty bedrooms though, so you might have to sleep in Seojun's room," she explained.

       "Ah, don't worry that's okay. I'm grateful that you're even letting me stay in your house. Thank you," I replied before grasping the handle of my suitcase.

       "I'll go make you boys some dinner. Seojun, go and show Suho your bedroom," Seojun's mom said, flashing us a smile before heading over to the kitchen.

       Once his mom was completely out of sight, Seojun held my hand, bringing me towards his bedroom.

        " it is," he announced as he opened the door to his room, heading inside. My eyes glanced around.

       "Weird," I muttered, "It looks exactly like how I expected it to."

       Seojun raised an eyebrow at my comment, not expecting it. "Really?"

       "Mhm," I hummed in response.

       His bedsheets were black, as well as his curtains. A gray, furry carpet sat on the ground of his bedroom, and posters of different bands were hung up on his walls. The last thing I noticed was the wooden, acoustic guitar that sat near his desk.

       "You play the guitar?" I asked as I stepped towards it.

       "Yup," he confirmed. "I was actually planning on playing it during the school's talent show that's in a couple days...but I've been having a bit of trouble writing a song. I don't know what to sing about."

       "Hmm, well I could help you," I offered, turning to face where Seojun was currently sitting on his bed.

       "I'd like that," he grinned, patting the spot next to him on the bed. I took a seat to the right of him on the soft mattress.

       "So, what ideas do ya got?" he asked.

       "Well for starters," I said as I placed a hand onto his thigh, "You could write a song about love."

       "Love?" he smirked, noticing where my hand was touching.

       "Mhm~" I hummed as I inched my face closer to his. "Love."

       Our lips met, tenderly moving against each other. It felt perfect. Seojun's hands wrapped around my waist, lifting my body so that I was sitting on top of his lap. My hands cupped the sides of his face, pulling him closer.

       Love. This was love.

       Deeper. My tongue slipped deeper into his mouth. His taste was addictive. I needed more.

       My hand found the rim of his shirt, pulling it upwards. Right as I was about to begin touching his smooth skin, I heard a click come from the door of Seojun's bedroom.

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