Chapter 48: Pancakes & Maple Syrup

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Seojun's POV:

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock going off.

"Ugh," I groaned, feeling annoyed as the beeping of the alarm clock continued to blast in my ear.

"Turn it offf~" I heard a voice whisper, groggily.

My eyes snapped open, and once I looked down to see where the voice had come from, I saw a sleepy looking Suho.

Suddenly, the events from last night came flooding back into my memory.

"Oh my gosh...Suho and I kissed," I muttered, my face reddening as I felt Suho snuggle his head closer to my chest, and I noticed that his hands were wrapped tightly around my waist. Though I hadn't officially asked the boy out yet, it felt like we were already a couple.

I began to admire Suho's face, my eyes trailing over his long eyelashes, flushed cheeks, and his rosy lips. How could someone be this cute?

I leaned down and lightly pecked him on the forehead before whispering, "Suho, we gotta get ready for school."

"But I'm tireddd," he pouted, his hand now clutching my sweatshirt.

"I know, but still, you gotta wake up," I replied, running my hand through his soft hair as I spoke.

"Fine," he sighed, a yawn escaping his mouth before he lifted his head off of my body, allowing his eyes to flutter open.

"Morning," I grinned as I stared into Suho's lovely hazel eyes.

"Good morning," he sleepily replied, struggling to keep his eyes open since he was still pretty exhausted.

"Want me to make breakfast?" I offered as I continued to twirl a strand of Suho's hair around my finger. He nodded his head in response.

"Then how about we both get ready, and then afterwards I'll make us some breakfast. Alright?" I asked.

"Okay," he replied as he carefully climbed off of my body, allowing me to get up.

In one swift motion, I stood up from the bed, grabbing my phone to check what time it was. While I was checking the time however, I realized that I had multiple missed calls and texts from my mom. I quickly read over the texts.

Mom: Hey, where are you?

Mom: Seojun?

Mom: This isn't funny, please text me back.

Mom: Are you okay? Why did you leave the house without letting me know?

Mom: Seojun, please respond.

"Shit..." I muttered as guilt now rushed over my body.

"Is something wrong?" Suho asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Uh, well I guess I was in such a rush to see you last night that I didn't even bother to let my mom know where I was going...and now I have a million missed texts from her asking where I went and if I'm okay," I explained.

"Oh- well uh you should probably tell her that you spent the night at my place," Suho advised, and I nodded my head in agreement.

After letting my mom know where I was and that I was safe, I shut off my phone, turning my attention back to Suho.

"Do you have a spare uniform that I could wear today?" I asked, realizing that I hadn't brought a fresh pair of clothing to his house.

"Mhm," he hummed in response as he got up from his bed and walked over to his closet, grabbing a uniform and handing it over to me afterwards.

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