Chapter 22: I Have a Crush

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Seojun's POV:

      "Where are we?" I asked as we stood in front of a tall, worn down building.

       "You'll see," Suho replied as he entered the building, and I followed right behind him.

       Inside of the building there was a long flight of stairs. Suho walked up the stairs and I carefully did as well. At the top of the stairs there was a door. Suho pushed open the door and held it open for me.

       This place felt sketchy, but I trusted Suho. And so I stepped through the doorway.

       "Oh my gosh," I gasped.

       We were on a rooftop, and the night sky looked absolutely gorgeous. The vast, seemingly empty, space was filled with glittering, diamond-like stars. The crescent moon glowed, illuminating the sky. I had never noticed how lovely the night sky was until now.

       "It's pretty, right?" Suho asked as he took a seat on the ground.

       "Mhm," I hummed as I sat down right beside him. We were close enough to feel each other's body heat, but we weren't quite touching.

       "I had a feeling you would like it," Suho said as he turned to face me and smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back.

       "Come on," Suho said as he rotated his palm parallel to mine and interlocked our fingers. He then gently pulled me so that we were both lying down on our backs, facing the sky.

       "It's beautiful," I whispered as I admired the blanket of stars that stretched into infinity.

       "So, how was your sister's birthday?" Suho asked as he leaned on his elbow and faced me.

       "It was fine, I spent most of it with Ju-kyung though because Gowoon wanted to hang out with her boyfriend," I shrugged.

       "You and Ju-kyung hang out together a lot. Are you friends?" Suho asked as he shifted his gaze back onto the stars.

       I closed my eyes and thought about what my relationship with Ju-kyung was. I remembered the time Ju-kyung and I first met, when she bumped into me in the hallway. I then remembered the time when she bought me strawberry milk, and also the time when she applied the lip tint to my lips. My cheeks turned red as I recalled how close she was to my face, how our lips were merely inches apart. Lastly, I thought of our hug in music class. Her petite body felt so warm against mine, and my heart fluttered at the memory.

       "Yes, we're friends," I whispered as I grinned widely.

       "Oh...okay," Suho mumbled.

       "Hey, Suho?" I asked.

       "Mhm?" He replied.

       "I have a crush," I whispered.

       "Wait...what?" He replied as he turned his face and locked eyes with me.

       "I think...I think I have a crush on someone," I mumbled as I bit my bottom lip.

       "Who?" Suho asked as he stared blankly at me, his hazel eyes glowing from the moon's light.

       "Ju-kyung," I whispered in an almost inaudible voice.

       "Oh..." Suho replied dryly. Why was he acting so strange?

       "You okay?" I asked as I lightly nudged Suho. He sighed before getting up from the ground and walking in the direction of the door.

       "It's getting late, we should go," he advised me before walking down the steps, leaving me on the rooftop. Confused, I got up from the ground and quickly headed through the door and down the stairs too.

       "I'll walk you home," I offered Suho once I caught up to him.

       "No, it's fine," Suho replied before giving me a small smile. Something felt off, but I didn't question it.

       "Okay, well see you tomorrow then," I said as I patted Suho's shoulder. Without saying a word, Suho turned and walked away, leaving me in front of the building.

       "That was weird," I whispered to myself as I walked in the opposite direction of Suho, to my house.

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