Chapter 49: Cheater

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       Seojun's POV:

       " someone took a picture of us holding hands? Do you know who it was?" Suho asked after I had just explained to him what had happened.

       "No, that's what I'm trying to figure out," I replied, taking a sip of my strawberry milk. It was currently lunch time, and Suho and I were sitting at the back of the lunchroom, trying to remain hidden for now.

       Ever since that photo had been leaked, everyone in our school wouldn't stop talking about us, stating things like:

       "They're gay?"

       "Oh my gosh, it's them!"

       "Isn't Seojun dating Ju-kyung?"

       Why couldn't other people just mind their own business and leave us alone? Sighing, I took another sip of my strawberry milk. The sweet taste made me feel a bit better.

       Suddenly, I heard whispers growing louder throughout the lunchroom, and I could feel people staring over in our direction.

       "Huh," I muttered as I placed the milk down on the table, looking up to see what was going on.

       My eyes widened.

       Ju-kyung was now standing right in front of our lunch table with her fists clenched.

       "ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME WITH HIM?" she shrieked, pointing right at Suho's face. Suho simply glared back at her.

       "I was gonna tell you, but then-"

       "I DON'T CARE! YOU'RE A CHEATER HAN SEOJUN! I HATE YOU! AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WERE GAY! YOU BOTH DISGUST ME," she hollered, before slapping me right across the face. My cheek burned, and I felt my eyes begin to tear up at the sudden impact.

       I couldn't move.

       I couldn't speak.

       I was simply in a state of shock.

       "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HIT HIM?" I heard Suho shout as he ran towards me, cupping my face protectively with his hands as he stared into my eyes. He looked worried.

       "Leave," Suho commanded Ju-kyung, his words sounding bitter and filled with hatred as he spoke to her.

       Once Ju-kyung finally decided to leave, Suho engulfed me into a hug.

       "A-are you okay?" he asked me, holding me tight. His body seemed to be shaking, and I could sense the concern in his eyes.

       Without responding, I weakly nodded my head yes.

       "Fuck...I'm such a terrible boyfriend, I shouldn't have even let her get near you, because now you're hurt and it's all my fault and- and I don't deserve you. I hate myself. I- I hate myself," Suho began mumbling as he grabbed fistfuls of my shirt, gently tugging on the cloth as tears now streamed out of his eyes.

       "Wait- what? You're not a terrible boyfriend, this wasn't your fault," I tried to tell him, but I could tell that he wasn't listening to me.

       He seemed to be having trouble breathing, coughing in an attempt to swallow some air.

       He was having a panic attack.

       "Suho, listen to me, it's not your fault, it's mine. I was stupid for not breaking up with her earlier. I don't like her, I like you. Do you hear me? I really really like you Suho," I told him, trying to calm him down.

       The murmurs in the lunchroom were now growing louder, people seeming confused as to what was going on, and wondering if Suho was okay. I simply ignored the other students, focusing all my attention onto Suho.

       "I'm's all my fault," Suho continued to whisper over and over again.

       "No, it's not," I hushed him, holding his body close as I placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head.


       "Shh, it's okay Suho. I'm not mad at you, okay? You did nothing wrong," I whispered to him as I softly wiped his tears away with my thumb.

       "Can you take deep breaths for me?" I asked as I lightly caressed his back, trying my best to calm him down. This was the first time that I was witnessing someone having a panic attack, but I knew that together, we could get through this.

       Once I saw that Suho's chest was rising and falling at a normal pace, I placed yet another kiss onto him, this time on his cheek.

       "Thank you," he whispered as he buried his face in my shirt once again.

       "I'm here for you, alright? I'll always be here for you," I told him, and I could feel him nod his head in response.

       After a few minutes of us hugging each other, feeling comfortable with the warmth of our bodies resting against each other, the bell suddenly rang, indicating that lunch was over. I really didn't want to go to class though.

       "Suho?" I asked.

       "Yeah?" he replied, lifting his head off of my shirt so that we could meet eyes.

       "Do you wanna get out of here?" I asked, a small grin forming on my face.

       "But what about class?" he answered, clearly confused.

       "Fuck class. Let's go have some fun, okay?" I said.

       "Okay," he nodded his head, a grin forming on his face as well. The two of us grabbed our backpacks from off of the ground before sneaking out of the school, being extra careful whilst doing so.

       "Where are we going?" Suho asked as we both got onto my motorcycle, placing our helmets on afterwards.

       "You'll see," I replied before starting up my motorcycle, getting ready to drive it.

       "We're gonna be in so much trouble when we go back to school tomorrow..." Suho sighed.

       I turned around and lightly pecked him on the lips before telling him, "Don't worry, alright? I'll take the blame."

       Once he nodded his head in agreement, I turned back around and began to direct the motorcycle forwards, away from the school.

"You'll love where we're going, trust me," I told him, and just like that the two of us rode off into the distance.

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