Chapter 55: The Restaurant

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(Three Years Later...)

       Seojun's POV:

       I splashed some cold water onto my face, instantly feeling more awake as it made contact with my skin. Afterwards, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, yawning as I combed my fingers through my messy hair.

       "Good looking, as always," I smirked before reaching down and grabbing my toothbrush.

       As soon as I picked it up, I noticed that the bristles on the toothbrush were wet. Someone had used it. Furious, I unlocked the bathroom door and began yelling at my roommate.

       "Did you fucking use my toothbrush?! That's disgusting!"

       "Oh, did I? Whoops," he shrugged before turning his attention back towards his phone.

       I groaned in annoyance. I didn't have a spare toothbrush which meant that I would have to go to the store.

       Quickly, I changed into a white shirt and some jeans, putting on a brown leather jacket as well.

       After placing my phone into my pocket, I made my way out of the college dorm and towards the parking lot where my motorcycle was waiting.

       Luckily, the store wasn't very far. Once there, I walked inside, heading straight to the aisle filled with toothbrushes and toothpaste.

       "This one should be fine," I mumbled as I grabbed an ordinary looking toothbrush from off of a shelf. Before heading to the check out area, I grabbed a second tooth brush in case my roommate used mine again.

       "That'll be four dollars sir," the lady said after scanning the items. I handed her the cash before grabbing the toothbrushes and heading out of the store.

       "This is such a waste of time," I spat as I got back onto my motorcycle and rode back to the college.

       "You're back already?" my roommate said right as I stepped foot in our dorm.

     I scoffed as I approached where he was currently seated on his bed, phone in his hand. A video was playing on the phone.

       "What're you watching?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the bed.

       "The news," he replied. "Apparently some big company in the US just signed a contract with another company here in Seoul, and now they're both going to be earning even more money. So to celebrate, they all decided to throw a party at one of the most expensive restaurants in Seoul."

       "Did the people from America fly all the way here just to come to the party..?" I questioned, my curiosity on the video growing.

       "Yup, and apparently the people who work for the company are the only ones who can attend the party, though I'm pretty sure they can bring their family members too."

       "Oh, well I guess that makes sense," I mumbled as I focused my attention on the video.

       A picture of the company's CEO was now visible on the screen. He looked oddly familiar.

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