Chapter 3: What's Your Name?

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Suho's POV:

As I exited the classroom, I glanced up and locked eyes with the new kid.

And damn did he look hot...

His hair, a pitch black color, was neatly styled into a mullet with bangs covering his forehead. His hazel eyes contrasted against his pale complexion, and he was also very tall with broad shoulders. He wore silver earrings, giving him a "bad boy" vibe.

As I continued to scan his body, my eyes landed on his thick lips. They were tinted in a shade of pink, accentuating his natural lip color.

"Hello," The student greeted me, extending his hand out for me to shake.

"Hey," I timidly replied, shaking his hand quickly before placing it back into my pocket.

"I'm guessing you're here to give me the tour, right?" The student asked. His voice was husky yet calming, and I could listen to him talk all day.

"Um, yes I guess so," I mumbled back as I averted my gaze to my hands, fidgeting with my fingers. I was not a very social person due to the fact that I rarely had conversations with any students.

"These are my classes," The new kid said as he handed me his class schedule, our hands gently brushing against each other in the action, causing my cheeks to tinge with red.

"Okay, well follow me," I blurted out, breaking the awkward silence that had formed between us.

As we walked around the school, I showed the new student where the cafeteria was, as well as all of his classes. I noticed that we both had a few classes together, but I didn't bother to bring it up. I assumed that we wouldn't become friends so there was really no point on telling him anyways.

"Well, that's it. Do you have any questions?" I asked, a slight grin present on my face. The tour ended at the end of second period, which meant that we skipped both our math and music classes. Not gonna lie, it was actually pretty fun to talk to this new student. I was a bit sad that it was all ending now, and we would depart ways forever since I doubt he would want to be friends with me, but I was use to the feeling, so it's fine.

"Actually, I do have one question," he replied, his gorgeous hazel eyes staring straight into mine.

"O-oh uhm go ahead, ask away," I said, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh it doesn't really matter," I responded, my eyes averting to my shoes.

"But I'm curious to know," The taller student insisted.

"I'm Suho. What's your name?" I asked, now interested in finding out what the name of the taller student was.

"My name's Seojun," The taller student replied, "Well I better get going now. See you later Suho!"

Seojun playfully ruffled my ash brown hair before making his way towards his next class.

"Seojun," I whispered to myself as I watched the tall student's figure grow smaller and smaller as he walked farther away from me and into his class.

       Maybe I wasn't going to be lonely forever.

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