Chapter 20: What's the Reward?

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Seojun's POV:

"Hurry uppp," I whined as I nudged Suho with my elbow.

"Okay, calm down I'm almost done," Suho replied as he placed his math textbooks into his locker. I really didn't want to be late to music class today because I knew that we were going to present our songs.

Once Suho shut his locker I grabbed his wrist and ran to music class, dragging him with me. We slammed open the door just as the bell rang which technically meant that we arrived just on time.

"Okay everyone take a seat. Today we're going to be presenting your song recordings. You all worked hard on these songs with your partner last week, so I'm looking forward to listening to them," the teacher said. She then set up her computer to her projector and played our song recordings one by one. Eventually, Ju-kyung and I's song recording played and I hummed along with the catchy lyrics.

"I'm in the mood for dancin', romancin'
Ooh I'm givin' it all tonight
I'm in the mood for chancin'
I feel like dancin'
Ooh so come on and hold me tight~"

After our song, Suho and Soojin's song played. It sounded good, but Suho barely had lines in the song which kind of annoyed me. I knew he had a great singing voice so it was a shame that Soojin sang practically all of their song.

A few more of the student's songs played after Suho and Soojin's, and eventually everyone's song was played. Most of the song recording's sounded great and I could even vision some of the student's in this class becoming singers or songwriters.

"Wow, you all did a fantastic job! Some of your songs are already stuck in my head! We're going to have a class vote to determine which song wins the reward. The only rules are that you can't vote for your own song and you also can only vote once," the teacher explained as she handed out small scraps of paper to every student. I of course wanted to vote for Suho and Soojin's song, so I wrote down the name of their song onto my scrap of paper.

After about 5 minutes the music teacher walked around the class and collected all of our pieces of paper. Then she counted the votes.

"And the winner's are...," the teacher began saying, making sure to leave a long dramatic pause before she announced the winner, "Seojun and Ju-kyung!"

"OH MY GOD!" I heard Ju-kyung gasp.

"WE WON!" I shouted as I got up from my chair and without thinking pulled Ju-kyung into a hug. Once I realized what I was doing I quickly stopped hugging Ju-kyung. That was embarrassing...

"What's the reward?" I questioned as I looked over at the teacher.

"You each get $100 gift cards! Congrats!" The teacher cheered. She then reached into her desk and pulled out two gift cards and handed them to us.

"Thank you," Ju-kyung and I said in sync. Gosh I didn't expect the prize to be this amazing, I mean teachers usually give out stickers or pieces of candy, but I guess not in music class.

       "Well you guys can just talk and hang out for the rest of class since we finished presenting your songs. Good job everyone!" The teacher praised us and we all thanked her.

       I walked over to Suho's desk and sat down in an empty desk that was to the right of him. Once he noticed my presence he faced me and grinned.

        "Congrats," Suho said as he lightly patted my back. I could tell that he was a bit bummed about not winning the reward, I mean it was literally $100. So after a few minutes of thinking I decided to say to Suho, "Do you want to come shopping with me tonight? I would rather share the $100 with someone so that I don't waste it on stuff I don't need."

"That's sweet Seojun, but it's your money so I wouldn't want you to use it up on me," Suho replied.

"No it's okay, I don't even know what I'm going to get with it. So please, will you come shopping with me after school?" I asked Suho again. He was silent for a moment, probably thinking, but eventually he replied by saying, "Okay, but if you change your mind let me know."

"K," I agreed as I nodded my head. Then the bell rang which meant that class was over, so I playfully ruffled Suho's ash brown hair before getting up and heading back to my desk. I grabbed my backpack from off of my chair and slung one strap over my shoulder.

I turned around and faced Suho's direction, quickly waving goodbye before I headed out of the classroom and made my way to my next class.

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