Chapter 7: I Like Your Smile

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       Seojun's POV:

       "Shoot, I'm late," I muttered as I barged into my math class, startling a few students.

       "Han Seojun! You're late!" My teacher scolded me.

"Sorry," I shrugged. To be honest I didn't really care about school nor my grades, and I was used to getting scolded in class. At my old school, all of my teachers hated me. It was understandable though because I would sleep during class. The amount of hours I spent in detention at my old school was concerning.

"Take a seat at any empty desk," the teacher informed me before she continued to explain a math problem on the chalk board.

"If a x b = 2a - 3b + ab, then 3 x 5 + 5 x 3 is equal to?" I read in my head from off of the chalk board. I groaned after reading the absurdly long math problem. How was I supposed to know what that was equal to? My brain hurt.

I glanced around the room, searching for an empty desk to sit at. Then I spotted one near the back of the classroom. A student was sitting to the left of the empty desk.

Is that...Suho?

I made my way closer to the empty desk and realized that I was right, Suho was sitting there scribbling down notes in his notebook.

"Why didn't he tell me he was in my class?" I pondered as I watched the student solve equations in his notebook. I didn't even bother to try to solve the equations because I knew that I would get them wrong.

"Suhooo," I whispered, trying to gain Suho's attention. He looked over at me for a second before continuing to write in his notebook.

Ouch, did he just ignore me?

"Suhoooooooo," I whispered again, leaning my head on the palm of my hand.

He glared at me before sharpening his pencil and then went straight back to solving the boring equations.

"Suhooooooooooo," I whispered again. This time Suho gave me his full attention.

"What?" Suho asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing," I replied, trying to hold back my laughter, but I ended up letting out a loud cackle. I immediately regretted laughing when the math teacher stopped explaining a math problem and looked straight at me.

"Would you like to tell the class what's so funny Seojun?" The teacher glared at me.

"No thanks," I replied, laying my head on my desk. It's my second day at this new school and I'm already getting into trouble.

The teacher walked up to my desk and and slammed her hands onto it, which startled me. My head shot up from where it was previously resting on my desk, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared right now.

"How about you give a demonstration to the class on how to solve the next problem?" The teacher told me. It was more of a statement than a question. I sighed and lazily got up from my chair, dragging my feet till I made it to the chalk board.

"Problem 2: Simplify the expression: 2(a -3) + 4b - 2(a -b -3) + 5," I read from off of the chalk board. Shoot, I'm screwed.

I wearily grabbed a piece of chalk and began to solve the problem. Well, more like guess, but hey at least I was trying.

"Umm," I murmured as I wrote random numbers on the board. I seriously didn't understand how to do this.

"2a + 7" I stated. God I was 100% sure that this was the wrong answer.

"Incorrect. Suho, could you please show Seojun the correct way to simplify this expression?" The teacher stated. Suho nodded and made his way towards the chalk board. I handed him the piece of chalk in my hand and he immediately started his calculations on the board. And damn, he's really really really good at math.

"The correct answer is 6 b + 5" Suho said, and the teacher started clapping. I'm guessing he got it right. The teacher thanked Suho and glared at me. Afterwards she told us both to go back to our seats and we obeyed.

"That wasn't even hard," Suho teased me, a smirk present on his face.

"Show off," I muttered.

"Han Seojun, if you don't stop talking I'm going to give you detention. Do you understand?" The teacher scolded me. How did she even hear me talking?

"But he started it!" I complained pointing at Suho.

"Enough, I don't want to hear another peep out of you for the rest of class," the teacher threatened me before she continued to explain a random equation on the chalk board.

"Um...sorry," Suho apologized. I just shrugged and told him it was fine, I didn't really care.

Suho smiled, just a little smile at first, but as it grew it pressed his rosy cheeks up and slowly revealed his pearly white teeth. Finally his smile reached his eyes, causing them to crinkle at the corners.

Wow, his smile is gorgeous...

"I like your smile," I blurted out. Suho's cheeks tinted red and he covered his face with his hands to try to hide his reddening face. I quickly glanced up at the teacher and sighed in relief when I realized that she didn't hear me.

"That was a close one," I whispered before focusing my attention back onto Suho.

"Ya! Are you just going to stare at me the whole time, or are you going to solve the math equations?!," Suho whisper shouted at me.

I smirked at him before answering, "I like the first option more." He rolled his eyes at me before he started scribbling numbers into his math notebook, once again solving the random problems.

Suho's ash brown bangs drooped down a bit and covered his eyes. I reached over and pushed back his bangs, knowing that they were probably annoying him. He looked up at me questioningly before sighing and flipping the page of his notebook where more unsolved equations awaited him.

         Unlike Suho, I couldn't focus on the pages upon pages of math problems. So instead, I continued to watch Suho, and god was he mesmerizing. He was overwhelmingly beautiful with his hazel eyes, rosy cheeks, and brown locks that once again fell over his eyes. I couldn't help but smile in adoration at the sight of the student.

       I grabbed my backpack from off of the floor and used it as a cushion for my head. Then I allowed my eyelids to droop down. Nobody would notice if I took a quick nap, right?

       Boy was I wrong. I ended up with a detention and Suho wouldn't stop teasing me the whole rest of class.

       I hate school.

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