Chapter 33: The Movie Theatre

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       Seojun's POV:

       "Two tickets please," I said as I handed my credit card to the man behind the cash register.

       "Here you go," he replied as he handed me two tickets. I thanked him before turning around and handing a ticket to my date, Ju-kyung.

       She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Ju-kyung wore a long, rose pink colored dress as well as some pink heels to match the dress. A dainty silver necklace hung around her neck and she held a white purse in her hand.

       "Let's go get some snacks!" Ju-kyung said as she held my hand and dragged me towards the snack bar.

       "What do you want to get?" I asked Ju-kyung as I turned and faced her, and she replied by saying, "Popcorn and a coke."

       After paying for one large popcorn and two cokes, we made our way to theatre room #17. The two of us settled into our seats which were on one of the higher rows.

Once the movie began, I focused my attention onto the large screen. The sounds of whispering and popcorn crunching could be heard throughout the room, and I took a sip out of my coke as I watched the movie.

The two of us had decided to watch a mystery movie, though Ju-kyung had wanted to watch a scary movie, but after some persuading I got her to change her mind.

In the movie, the main character, Leo, was searching for his brother who had disappeared in the woods a week ago while hiking and still hadn't come back home. The police had tried looking for Leo's brother but hadn't been able to find him, so Leo decided to try to find him himself.

       Ju-kyung and I both reached out for popcorn at the same time, and I felt my cheeks sear red at the sudden contact of our hands.

I hesitantly looked over at Ju-kyung, and our eyes immediately met with each other. Her hazel eyes glowed as they reflected the light from the movie screen. Her eyes flicked onto my lips for merely a second, but that didn't stop me from noticing the quick action.

       I slowly inched my face closer to hers, now craving to feel her soft lips on mine.

       My lips hovered over hers, and after a moments hesitation I decided to just go for it.

       And our lips collided.

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