Chapter 2: A Vivid Dream

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Suho's POV:
I rested my head on the palm of my hand as I stared out the window. I drowned out the sound of my teacher who was blabbering on about math equations. I usually payed attention to what was being taught in class, but today I just couldn't focus, so I didn't bother listening. I sat in the back of the class as usual since I didn't have any friends to sit by. As I continued to look out the window, I allowed my eyes to flutter shut and began to dream...

       I was at the beach. I had no control over my body as my feet dragged me across the sand and into the ocean. The waves were awful as they drenched my body in the ice cold water, soaking my clothes till they clung to my body, and causing my hair to freeze. My earlobes burned and my nose turned a crimson color as I continued to helplessly travel deeper into the ocean.

And no matter how hard I tried to swim away from the rough waves, my body wouldn't let me head in the opposite direction. All I could do was head deeper and deeper into the abyssal water.

I began to gulp down water while trying to breath, which led to me chocking and coughing uncontrollably. As I kicked viciously through the water I felt an intense pain in the back of my head.

"HELP," I desperately hollered out. But I soon realized that nobody was going to save me.

Because I was still invisible. All of my pain was invisible. If I drowned, nobody would notice.

I was drowning in the ocean, just like how I was constantly drowning in my emotions with nobody there to save me.

As my head drifted underneath the crashing waves, water began to fill my lungs, flooding my body with the freezing liquid.

I was drowning, but nobody saw my struggle.

I continued kicking and jumping, desperate to fill my lungs with air. But it was no use, because I was already too deep underwater.

So I gave up, allowing the water to clog up my throat. As I inhaled more and more water, I began to feel really dizzy. My vision swayed as the darkness engulfed me and I had nothing left in me to fight anymore.

And everything around me went black...

"SUHO!" I heard a voice screech, snapping me out of my slumber. My eyes shot open and I was now covered in a cold sweat, shaking and my heart pounding.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked, wiping sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

"A new student has asked for a tour around our school. He's waiting right outside the classroom so could you please show him around?" The teacher asked me.

I didn't want to go, but the look in the teacher's eyes told me that I didn't have a choice. I muttered an "okay" and got up from my seat, quickly grabbing my backpack as I rushed out of the classroom.

Now only one thought filled my head.

       That was a terrifyingly vivid dream.

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