Chapter 50: Euphoria

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       Suho's POV:

"Keep your eyes closed," Seojun told me as he helped me off of the motorcycle. I did as told, holding onto his arm as he moved me in a certain direction.

"Okay, you can open them now," he said.

I allowed my eyes to flutter open. Once they adjusted to the bright light glaring down from the sun, I saw that I was surrounded by an infinite amount of  flowers. They varied in color, some being sapphire blue while others were violet. Their petals danced in the wind, decorating the atmosphere.

"It's...beautiful," I muttered in awe as I took in my surroundings. "How did you even find this place?"

"My parents took Gowoon and I here a lot when we were younger, but once my dad passed away we sort of just stopped coming here. I figured it would be nice to visit this place again though, especially with you," he explained, a weak smile covering his face as he spoke.

"Oh...I'm sorry about what happened to your dad. I know how it feels to loose a parent, my mom passed away when I was a kid," I confessed. "And I haven't seen my father in weeks, so sometimes it feels like I lost both of my parents."

"You know, you're welcome to come stay over at my place. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind," Seojun offered, reaching out his hand so that he could hold mine.

"Are you sure..?" I hesitated, looking him in the eyes as I spoke.

"Mhm," he replied with a grin before placing a light kiss onto my lips, leaving me red. "Now let's go explore this place while the sun is still out."

The two of us followed a path on the ground, admiring the gorgeous flowers as we walked past them. Once we got tired, we found a spot on the ground where we could rest.

I was first to take a seat on the ground, and Seojun sat next to me right after. The flowers, which rested underneath us, were rather comfortable. A light breeze could now be felt against my skin, and I attempted to take in a breath of the fresh air, but instead ended up inhaling a fair amount of pollen, causing me to sneeze. Seojun burst out into laughter as he watched me rub my nose to get the pollen out.

I observed him as he suddenly picked a flower from the ground, grinning as he did so. With his free hand, he brushed back the loose strands of my hair, placing the flower behind my ear afterwards.

"You look so cuteee," he teased as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture of me.

"What- hey, delete that," I whined as I stretched out my arm, attempting to snatch his phone.

"Nope~" he laughed, holding his phone high above his head so that I couldn't grab it.

I moved my body closer to his, unintentionally placing my knee in between his thighs as I reached for his phone. Somehow, I managed to take it out of his hands, but right after doing so, my knee slipped, causing me to collapse on top of him.

Using my forearms, I propped my body over his. A sudden tension could now be felt between the two of us as we simply stared into each other's eyes. Neither of us said anything anymore. I shivered as I felt him breathe heavily against my bare neck, his hot breath causing my skin to tingle.

I leaned down, allowing Seojun to plant light kisses onto my neck. My eyes quickly shut once I felt him bite down and slowly suck on my sensitive skin. My hands grabbed onto his hair, pushing him closer as he marked me with hickeys. Satisfaction filled my body as his lips moved from my neck down to my collarbone, planting light kisses there as well.

In one swift motion, Seojun switched positions with me so that he was now on top of my body, pinning me to the ground. He connected his lips with mine, one of his hands slipping underneath my shirt as he did so. My heart raced as his fingers traced up my chest.

A faint moan escaped my lips as I felt him begin to slowly rub my nipple using the tip of his thumb. At the same time, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, kissing me harder and deeper than before.

I felt his fingers move down my body once again, stopping at the rim of my shirt. He pulled the shirt up and over my head, leaving me uncovered.

"You're so fucking perfect," he whispered in my ear, admiring my figure before lowering his head to my chest. His wet tongue could be felt against my skin, sending butterflies to my stomach. My back arched once he reached the lower half of my stomach, feeling nothing but pleasure as he left a bright red hickey there.

After marking every inch of my chest, he once again met my lips and kissed me lovingly. I melted into him as my fingers further tangled into his hair.

Once we were both in need of air, our lips disconnected. I panted as I gazed into Seojun's eyes. A thin layer of sweat now covered the nape of my neck, and I allowed my hands to release themselves from his hair. I then rolled on top of Seojun so that he was laying down on the ground, allowing me to rest my body on top of him.

He wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his shirt, enjoying the way it smelled. My eyes shut and I began to relax my limbs, enjoying the comfort of his body.

"Suho?" he suddenly asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied in a whisper.

"I want to tell my mom about us," he stated, gently rubbing up and down my back with his hand as he spoke. My body stiffened.

"I mean she's going to find out eventually, right?" Seojun added on. "So I think it'd be better for me to let her know sooner rather than later."

"Seojun...are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, what if...she doesn't approve of us dating?" I managed to utter out.

"Well if she really cares about me, then certainly she'll be willing to respect our relationship." he replied. "Still though, if you're not ready for us to tell her, then we don't have to. I don't want to force you to do something that you're uncomfortable doing."

I thought about what he was saying carefully, trying to vision what coming out to his mom could possibly lead to. Things could either go really well, or terribly.

"Okay," I agreed, lifting my head up so that I was now looking Seojun in the eyes. "We can tell her."

His eyes lit up at my response and he began to plant a thousand light pecks onto my face.

"Stoppp~" I laughed, the feeling of his lips tickling my skin.

"I like you so much," he said before planting one last kiss onto my face.

"I like you too," I grinned before once again burying my face into the warmth of his shirt.

The two of us stayed like that, cuddling with each other on a field of flowers, until the sun finally started setting. I grabbed my shirt from where it had been laying on the ground and put it on.

Hand in hand, we made our back to where Seojun's motorcycle had been parked. Without a warning, he picked me up bridal style and placed me onto the back of the motorcycle.

"Let's stop at your house first so that you can pack up your things before we go to my house, alright?" he told me as he also got onto his motorcycle, sitting in front of me.

"Mkay," I hummed in response as I wrapped my arms around his waist. The engine roared a few times before we finally began moving. As we rode, one word filled my mind.

Euphoria. Whenever I was with Han Seojun, I felt Euphoric.

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