Chapter 15: I'm Sorry

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(A/N: Thank you so much for over 100 votes! I hope you are all enjoying this story!)

Seojun's POV:

       "Suho!" I called out as I watched him run out of the lunchroom. Gosh, I messed up so badly. I felt like such a lousy friend.
      "What just happened?" I thought to myself as I held my head in my hands, frustrated.

       "I need to apologize to him...," I decided. Then the bell rung, indicating to us that lunch was over. I grabbed Suho's tray as well as mine and emptied both of them before putting them away.

       Then I headed to my next class, art. While in art I could barely concentrate because all I could think about was Suho. He looked so upset and hurt earlier.

       "I'll apologize to him after school," I whispered to myself before focusing my attention back onto my drawing. I knew that if I tried to talk to him in gym it would just distract the other students, so I was going to wait till after classes were over to avoid any drama.

(After school)

       "Suho!" I called out once I caught a glimpse of his ash brown hair, and he froze, stopping in his tracks.

       I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his body, hugging him. He hesitated for moment, but then I felt his arms wrap around my body, pressing our chests together. I nuzzled into his soft hair, breathing in his floral shampoo.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear as I held his warm body close to mine.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to snap at you, I was just upset," Suho replied, but his words were muffled do to the fact that his head was nuzzled against my chest. His warm breath made my body tingle, and I felt happy knowing that he wasn't mad at me anymore.

"I promised that I would never let you feel alone again, but I made you feel left out for practically the whole day. I'm so sorry Suho," I sighed as I rubbed his back soothingly.

"I forgive you," Suho replied. Hearing those words made me smile and I felt a mixture of relief and happiness.

The two of us stood there hugging each other, not caring if other people were watching or judging us. Sometimes a hug is all you need to make you feel better.

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