Chapter 46: More Than Just A Friend

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(After School)

       Seojun's POV:

       Once I arrived home I slumped onto my bed, groaning as I remembered all of the terrible things that had happened today at school. Suho had ignored me for the entire day, and Ju-kyung and I had gotten into a huge fight during lunch.

       "Fuck, what do I do now..?" I muttered as I stared blankly at my ceiling, feeling lost.

       My phone suddenly dinged, startling me a bit. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and checked who had texted me, desperately hoping that the message would be from Suho.

       But it wasn't. It was from Ju-kyung...

Ju-kyung: Hey, I'm sorry for what I said about Suho at lunch. Please forgive me :(

       I scoffed once I finished reading the text. Did she really think that I would forgive her that easily? She shouldn't even be apologizing to me, she should be apologizing to Suho. I decided not to respond to her text, leaving her on read.

       Sighing, I turned off my phone and placed it next to me on my bed. Everything was a mess right now, especially between Suho and I. I needed to fix things, but how?

       I heard a soft knock come from outside of my bedroom door which interrupted my thoughts.

       "Come in," I mumbled.

       "Are you alright?" my mom asked as she came walking into my room.

       "Yeah," I blandly replied, not wanting to bother her with my problems.

       "Seojun, I'm your mother, I can tell when you're lying. Tell me the truth, what's going on?" she asked, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

       "Well it''s complicated," I sighed, staring at my bedsheets as I spoke, "I have this friend who I usually hang out with all the time, but today they just...avoided me I guess. When I tried to talk to them in class they just ignored me, and even at lunch they didn't sit by me. It's frustrating, you know? I just want things to be normal between the two of us..."

       After taking a short pause, I continued on with my rant," I couldn't even focus in pretty much all of my classes because all I could think about was...them. I felt jealous when I saw them hang out with some random new kid instead of with me, and I got mad when someone was saying rude things about them. I'm just hoping that they won't cut me out of their life completely, because I don't know what I'll do without them."

       Once I was done talking I hesitantly looked up and met eyes with my mother.

       "Seojun, it sounds to me that you think of this person as more than just a friend," she said as a small smile formed onto her face.

       My eyes widened.

       "W-what?" I gulped, not knowing how else to respond to the unexpected statement.

       "You said that you think of this "friend" a lot, right?" she asked.

       "I mean...yes," I agreed.

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