Chapter 40: The Invitation

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(After School)

       Seojun's POV:

       "Hey," I said once I caught up to where Suho was standing outside of the school, waiting for me.

       "How was gym?" he asked as the two of us began walking away from the school and down the sidewalk.

       "It was pretty boring today. We basically just ran laps around the field for most of class," I shrugged.

       "Oh, okay," Suho awkwardly replied. He still had a week left before he would be allowed to attend gym again because of his minor head injury.

      "Anyways, I've been meaning to ask, how have you been feeling lately? Like have your headaches been getting any better, or are they just as bad as they were before?" I asked, turning to look over at Suho as I awaited for his answer.

       "I haven't had any bad headaches since the day of the accident. The medicine that the doctor gave me has helped. Don't worry," he replied, giving me a reassuring smile.

       The two of us were now standing in front of the school gate. Usually this was where both of us headed our separate ways, in the direction of our houses.

      "Uhm, do you want me to walk you home today?" I offered.

       "But then it'll take longer for you to get home," he replied.

       "I don't mind," I shrugged.

       "Well okay then. Let's go," he said, walking in the direction of his house, and I followed right behind him.

       "So, are you doing anything fun this weekend?" I asked Suho, purely out of curiosity.

       "Not really, I'm probably just going to finish up some school assignments," he replied dully.

       "Oh, okay," I mumbled. This conversation was already getting pretty awkward.

       The silence was soon broken when both of our phones dinged. We both stopped walking and pulled our phones out of our pockets.

       "Did you get a text too?" I asked Suho. He nodded his head in response. I read the text out loud.

Unknown: I'm throwing a party at my house tonight and everyone at school's invited! It starts at 9pm and will last till early in the morning. Show up! 😉

       "Should we go?" I asked Suho.

       "Uhm..." he replied, seeming hesitant about the idea of going to a party. Especially the party of someone we didn't even know.

       "Your dad's out of town, right? So you won't even get in trouble if you go. What's the worst that could happen?" I asked, trying to persuade him to go.

       "I mean...I guess you're right. But what about you, what will you tell your mom?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

       "Oh shoot...uhm I'll just tell her that I was having a sleepover at your house. It's a Friday so she'll probably believe me," I replied, shrugging.

       "That sounds pretty risky," Suho mumbled.

       "It'll be fine, stop worrying so much. We're going to the party, okay?" I said.

       "Fine," he sighed, finally giving in.

       "That's more like it," I grinned as I wrapped an arm around Suho's shoulder. We then continued walking in the direction of Suho's house, and after a few minutes we arrived to it.

       "See you soon," I said, waving goodbye.

       "Bye," he replied before heading into his house, closing the door behind him afterwards.

       "I'm so excited for the party," I smiled as I turned around and began walking in the direction of my house. I could already tell that this was going to be an interesting night.

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