Chapter 5: Can't Keep My Eyes Off Of You

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       Suho's POV:

       "Wait, isn't Seojun in this class?" I pondered as I made my way to my final class of the day, gym. I somewhat remembered Seojun's schedule and I knew that we had math and music together in the morning, and gym together in the afternoon. Since today was Seojun's first day though he had spent the majority of the morning chatting with the principal in his office, which meant that gym was our only class together today (well if you don't count the tour I gave him during math and music class).

       To be honest, I still didn't understand why Seojun wanted to be friends with me, but nonetheless I was grateful.

       I walked into the boys locker room and located my locker, #30. I looked around and realized that I was the only one in the locker room. Confused, I checked my phone for the time. It was 2:56 pm.

       "OH GOD IM LATE," I panicked as I frantically pulled my shirt off of my body and replaced it with my gym uniform. I shoved my clothes into my locker along with my phone and practically threw open the locker room door as I dashed into the gym. I had spent so much time thinking about Seojun that I was now late to class, which rarely happened.

       I looked around the gym and noticed that it was also empty with no students. I'm guessing we're exercising outside today. Ugh. I ran outside and located the gym teacher.

       "I'm sorry for being late," I apologized to the gym teacher, still panting and out of breath.

       "It's okay for today, but next time please try to come to class on time Suho. Now go find a partner to stretch with before we begin running laps on the soccer field," the gym teacher replied with a sigh. I'm guessing he was a bit disappointed in me. I apologized again before glancing around the soccer field, in search of Seojun.

       I scanned the entire field, but the black haired student was no where to be found. Was he okay? I was worried for the new student and questioned if I should just ditch gym altogether to search for him.

       "I'm a bit disappointed that you're late on your first day Seojun. Go find a partner," I heard the teacher say, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

       "Huh?" I muttered as I looked in the direction of the gym teacher. And of course, there I saw the teacher talking to the new student, Han Seojun.

       Seojun glanced in my direction and locked eyes with me. He grinned and waved in my direction, gesturing for me to come over to him. Hesitantly, I made my way towards the tall student.

       "H-hi," I stuttered in an almost inaudible voice. Why did I always feel so nervous around Seojun?

       "C'mon, let's go stretch," Seojun said as he held my wrist and directed me to the middle of the soccer field.

       Seojun began doing tricep stretches and I copied his movements, stretching as well. He helped guide me through all of the stretches, which consisted of lunges, toe touches, neck stretches and shoulder stretches. I could tell he was more athletic than I was. There was a comfortable silence growing between the two of us as we both focused on our stretches. Once done, the teacher announced for all of the students to retreat to the front of the field, and we all obeyed.

       "For the remaining period of class, I would like all of you to run laps back and forth across the soccer field," the gym teacher instructed us.

       We all lined up at the end of the soccer field. Then the teacher blew his whistle and we all began our laps.

       As I ran, I glanced around trying to spot Seojun. I was just with him a second ago so he couldn't have gone far, right? I already missed his presence and felt an urge to be with him. I didn't understand why, but I just needed him by my side.

       As I now finished my first lap, I resumed my search for Han Seojun. Suddenly I caught a glimpse of his black mullet through the crowd of running students, and I dashed towards him.

       "Seoj-," I began to call out, but before I could finish my sentence I felt my shoelace get caught underneath my foot, and I came tumbling to the ground. I landed on my hip, which hurt like crazy. My body ached as I tried to stand up, now embarrassed as multiple students glared down at where I was laying on the ground. I wanted to disappear.

       "I hate these stupid shoes," I muttered as I held my hip, which was still stinging. I looked down at my left arm and saw that it had nasty thin scratches on it, marking my smooth skin with ragged red slits.

       "Need a hand?" I heard a voice ask, and I looked up to see who it was.

       It was Seojun.

       He stepped towards me, holding out his hand to help me up. I thanked him as I reached my hand out to grab onto his, and he pulled me off of the ground.

       "You okay? That was a pretty bad fall," Seojun asked as he scanned my body for any injuries. His eyes stopped on my arm as he noticed the raged slits covering my pale skin.

       "Oh my god," Seojun muttered as he inspected my injury.

       "I'm fine," I mumbled, trying to reassure Seojun that I was okay. I tried to cover up my cuts with my shirt, but Seojun didn't allow me to.

       "No, you're not fine. You're bleeding. You have to go to the nurse," Seojun said. He then led me into the boy's locker room after explaining to the gym teacher what happened. Once in the room, Seojun motioned for me to sit on the bench that was in the locker room.

       "Lemme just change out of my gym clothes real quick since class is basically over. Then I'll bring you to the nurse's office," Seojun said and I nodded in response.

       My face immediately turned red as I watched Seojun strip out of his clothes. In one swift motion Seojun pulled his shirt over his head, and I gazed over his well built body with wide eyes. His abs were slightly coated with sweat, and he used his gym shirt to rub the sweat off.

       At this point my cheeks were on fire. I knew I probably should look away, but I just couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I stared in awe at his beautiful body.

       "Like what you see?" Seojun teased as he noticed that I was looking right at his abs. He laughed as I covered my face with my hands, embarrassed. I waited for Seojun to finally put on his school uniform and once he did I got up from the bench and said, "Let's go."

       He nodded in response and we began walking to the nurse's office.

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