Chapter 4: Why Me?

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       Seojun's POV:

      "Where should I sit?" I pondered as I gazed around the cafeteria. I had made a few friends in my science and history classes, but I couldn't spot any of them in the packed lunchroom.

       I wandered around the the cafeteria searching for a place to sit. The lunch tables were all crowded with students. Well, except for one table in the far back of the room.

       As I made my way towards that table, I noticed that a student was sitting there.

       Unlike all the other students in the cafeteria, this student was sitting alone. Curious, I went to go sit by the isolated student.

       "Can I sit here?" I asked, gesturing towards the table.

       "Oh, sure," The student replied, not bothering to look at me. His voice sounded toneless as he continued to pick at his food with his fork. He seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite remember who he was.

       I placed my tray of food down on the table and sat across from the student. His dark, ash brown hair drooped over his eyes and covered up the majority of his face. I was still struggling to remember who he was.

       "Hey, do I know you?" I asked as I took a sip out of my strawberry milk. The student looked up from his tray, allowing me to get a better view of his face.

       And then I instantly remembered who he was.

       "Suho?" I mumbled as I placed my strawberry milk back onto my tray. He nodded, staring at me blankly before averting his gaze back to his tray, once again picking at his lunch with his fork.

       "Why were you by yourself?" I asked, earning a shrug in response from Suho. He seemed so...distant. I should try to cheer him up.

       I looked through my pocket and found a scrap of paper as well as a pen. Then I began to doodle. I could feel Suho watching me. He was probably confused as to what I was doing.

       "Ta-daaah!" I said as I handed Suho the completed doodle.

       "Ta-daaah!" I said as I handed Suho the completed doodle

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       Right when Suho saw the doodle, he burst into laughter.

       "W-what is that!" Suho managed to utter out in between his fit of laughter.

       "It's a panda, do you not like it," I replied, wiping fake tears away and making obnoxious sniffling sounds, pretending to be upset.

       "No no, I love it," Suho reassured me as he carefully placed the drawing into his pocket, trying to somewhat control his laughter. It was nice seeing Suho all cheerful. For some reason, it bothered me to see him looking gloomy.

       "I'm such a talented artist, don't you think?" I joked as I gulped down a spoonful of my Korean Bulgogi Stew.

       "Oh yes, you're sooo talented," Suho replied sarcastically as he roles his eyes at me.

       "Ya! No need to act all sassy, I personally thing I'm a great artist," I scoffed as I drank the last few drops of my strawberry milk, savoring the delicious taste.

       "Alright, alright, I'm sorry," Suho surrendered. I looked down at his tray of food, and noticed that his lunch was practically untouched. He had a bowl of spicy ramen on his tray. Did he not like spicy food? Might as well offer him some of my stew, right?

       "Here," I said as I scooped up a spoonful of my stew, hovering the spoon in front of his lips. I gestured for him to open his mouth, and he obeyed, thanking me with a quiet "thank you" afterwards.

       "Why did you bring spicy ramen if you don't like it?" I asked as I brought a second spoonful of my bulgogi stew up to Suho's mouth.

       "I didn't realize that it was spicy when I bought it. I'm not really a fan of spicy food as you can probably tell," Suho shrugged before swallowing the stew, letting out a faint moan as he savored the taste.

       I could feel blush sear through my cheeks from the unexpected noise that escaped Suho's lips, and for a minute I thought my face was on fire.

       I picked up my bowl of bulgogi stew and placed it onto Suho's tray. He gave me a dazed look of bewilderment and thanked me before practically devouring the whole stew in a minute.

       "Damn, you finished that fast," I teased Suho as a smirk formed on my face. I watched in amusement as the student's face glowed red. Embarrassing him was way too easy.

       Right then the bell rang, signaling us that lunch was over. In one swift motion Suho got up, grabbed his tray and began to walk away.

       "Hey Suho," I called out before he got the chance to escape.

       "Yes?" Suho questioned, locking eyes with me.

       "Do you want to be friends?" I asked, a grin forming on my face to the thought of becoming friends with the shy student.

       "Y-you're joking...right? Ha ha, very funny. Can I go now?" Suho replied, unamused. The boy had his fists clenched and looked uncomfortable. Did he really not believe me? Suho turned around and was about to talk away, but before he could, I grabbed his wrist.

       "Hey, I'm serious. You seem like a genuine person and I want to be friends with you," I explained, allowing my grip on Suho's wrist to soften a bit.

       "But...I don't get it. Why me? Im sure there are plenty of other guys who would love to be your friend," Suho mumbled, his voice a bit shaky.

       "Because I can tell that you're a nice person Suho. Look, I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm still worried about you. I saw you sitting by yourself at the lunch table, and that's why I decided to sit by you. Nobody deserves to be alone. So Suho, do you want to be friends?" I asked, wondering what his answer would be. There was a bit of an awkward silence between us as I watched Suho think.

       "Okay," Suho answered, a grin present on his face. I watched in awe as Suho then waved goodbye and walked to his class.

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