Chapter 47: I Like You

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       Suho's POV:

       "I like you too," Seojun whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

       Was I dreaming?

       " me?" I muttered in complete disbelief, my eyes widening.

       "Yes," Seojun nodded, looking me directly in the eyes as he said, "I like you Suho."

       My body stiffened and my face began to heat up. I felt shocked, confused, and so incredibly happy all at once.

       "But you told me that you wanted to be just friends," I said, recalling our conversation from last Friday night.

       "I changed my mind," Seojun said as he inched his face closer to mine, "I want to be more than friends." After repositioning his hands so that they were now wrapped around my waist, Seojun pressed his forhead against mine, grinning softly. He was standing so close to me that I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

       "B-but what about Ju-kyung? Aren't you still dating her?" I mumbled, feeling my heart race as I continued to stare right into Seojun's gorgeous eyes. It was difficult for me to keep myself composed underneath his gaze.

       "I promise that I'll break up with her tomorrow, okay?" he reassured me.

       After thinking about it for a bit, I whispered an "okay", trusting that Seojun would keep his promise.

       My eyes then trailed from Seojun's eyes to his thick, perfectly shaped lips. Without thinking, I reached my left hand up, cupping the side of his face. My thumb lightly stroked his bottom lip, and my eyes were fixed on him.

       "Can I kiss you?" I asked as I continued to trace his soft lips with the tip of my thumb.

       He nodded his head.

       So I gently pressed my lips to Seojun's, allowing my hands to wrap around his neck as I closed the distance between us. Our lips moved in sync, and I could feel Seojun's grip on my waist tighten as the kiss deepened.

       I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He tasted sweet, like strawberries. So deliciously sweet. I plunged my tongue deeper and deeper, savoring the taste. A delightful moan escaped my lips as my tongue continued to play with his. The kiss went on for what felt like forever, time disappearing as the two of us practically melted into each other.

       When we both pulled away, a thin string of saliva kept our tongues connected, and each of us were left panting.

       "Wow," I breathlessly whispered, "That was amazing."

       Seojun's face was lightly dusted with pink, and his lips appeared to be red and swollen.

       "Shit, he's so pretty," I thought to myself as I continued to admire his flustered expression.

       "I really, really like you," Seojun uttered out as yet another grin formed onto his face.

       "I really, really like you too," I blushed, hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

       For the first time in days, I felt genuinely happy.

       "Wanna sleepover?" I asked, lifting my head up so that I was now looking Seojun in the eyes.

       "Yeah," Seojun replied as he loosened his grip on my waist.

       "Then let's go," I smiled, clasping Seojun's hand as I lead him to my bedroom.

       Once we were in my room, I headed over to my closet, searching for a hoodie and some sweatpants to let Seojun borrow for the night. Unlike me, he was still wearing his school uniform, and I had a feeling that he'd want to sleep in something more comfortable.

       "Here," I said as I handed Seojun a blue hoodie and black sweatpants.

       "Oh, thank you," Seojun replied, seeming glad that he didn't have to wear his uniform to bed.

       I watched as he began unbuttoning his shirt, not even bothering to change in the bathroom.

       "W-wait, you're getting undressed here?" I gulped as my face turned red.

       "Yup," he smirked, seeming clearly amused by how nervous I was getting.

       Once all of the buttons on his shirt were undone, he took his shirt off, replacing it with the blue hoodie that I had given him.

       I quickly shut my eyes once he began to slip off his pants, feeling way too embarrassed to watch him take those off too.

       "Are you done? Can I look now?" I asked after a little while, not knowing when I should open my eyes.

       Rather than getting a response, I felt arms wrap around my body, picking me up and placing me down onto what I assumed was a bed.

       "What are you-," I began to ask as my eyes fluttered open, but I stopped talking mid-sentence once I realized the positions that we were in.

       Seojun was on top of me, holding his body up with his arms which were stationed on the sides of my shoulders.

       He leaned down and lightly pecked me on the lips, leaving me speechless.

       "Your clothes are really comfortable, thanks for letting me borrow them," he said as he got off of me, laying next to me on the bed.

       "O-oh, your welcome," I stuttered, desperately trying to cover the blush on my face using the sleeve of my hoodie.

       "We should probably go to bed now since we have school tomorrow," Seojun sighed, and I watched as he got up, turned the bedroom light off, and then joined me once again on the bed.

       I pulled the blanket over the two of us and got comfy, snuggling up to Seojun's chest. He rested his hand on the side of my stomach, holding me close.

       "Goodnight," I whispered, drowsiness taking over my body.

       "Night," Seojun whispered back, placing a delicate kiss on my forehead afterwards.

       And just like that, the two of us drifted off to sleep.

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