Chapter 24: Distracted

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Seojun's POV:

       "I'm so tired," I sighed as I laid down on bed. My mattress felt so comfortable and I snuggled into my warm blanket, allowing my eyes to flutter shut.

       But before I could get even a few minutes of sleep, my eyes shot open and I muttered, "Shoot, I forgot to do my homework."

       I lazily got out of my bed and took a seat at my desk. I grabbed my homework out of my backpack and placed it on top of my desk.

       "I can't believe I have to do double the homework," I complained as I quickly sharpened my pencil. Since Ju-kyung helped me find a gift for Gowoon, I had to fulfill my part of the deal, which meant I had to do Ju-kyung's homework for the entire week.

       I glanced over Ju-kyung's homework and then my own. She had English and History homework today while I had only Science homework.

       I sighed and grabbed Ju-kyung's History homework, deciding to finish her homework before my own. Her history homework was luckily pretty easy, though I guessed on a few questions, but it's fine. Her English homework wasn't as easy for me to do but after around 20 minutes I was done with it. Hopefully I did a decent job, because the last thing I wanted was for Ju-kyung to fail English because of me.

       I tapped my phone screen to check the time and saw that it was 11pm. By now it was hard for me to even keep my eyes open because my body wanted to rest.

      I started my science homework, and the first few questions were easy. But the questions got harder and harder, and eventually my brain felt dead and I couldn't even process what the questions were.

"C'mon, focus," I muttered to myself as I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I was frustrated because I just wanted to be done with my homework so I could sleep. But I kept getting distracted.

       "What is the membrane around the vacuole called?" I read aloud. I tapped my pencil on my desk as I tried to think of what the answer could be. Eventually I figured out the answer, but as I was about to write it down, my phone dinged. I got a text. I grabbed my phone and checked to see who it was.

Ju-kyung: Hello :)

Me: You're still up?

Ju-kyung: Yah...I couldn't sleep. Watcha doing?

Me: Homework •_•

Ju-kyung: Oh...that sucks

Me: Yup

Ju-kyung: I'm getting kind of sleepy so I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you at school tomorrow, goodnight! :)

Me: Okay, gn


          I set my phone down and closed my eyes, disregarding my homework. I felt excited to see Ju-kyung tomorrow and wanted to spend as much time possible with her.

       I then fell asleep with my head laying on my desk, using my homework and textbooks as a pillow (which was not very comfortable, but it worked). I'd have to figure out an excuse to tell my teacher for why I didn't finish my science homework. But I'd worry about that tomorrow.

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