Chapter 28: Opposite Teams

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       Suho's POV:

       "Hello class! Today you're going to be playing basketball. Your jersey color will determine what team you play on," the gym teacher said as he handed out jerseys to everyone. The jerseys were either purple or white. I didn't care what team I was on as long as I was with Seojun.

       "Here you go," the teacher said as he handed me a white jersey, and I thanked him before pulling the jersey onto my body.

       I walked over to the white team's side of the court and awkwardly waved at my team members.

       "Where's Seojun?" I asked one of them as I glanced around our side of the court.

       "Um, Seojun isn't on our team," he responded as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

       "Wait...what?" I questioned. Seojun and I were playing on opposite teams?

       "Okay guys, get in your positions," the gym teacher instructed us. Once everybody got into their positions on the court, the gym teacher threw the basketball into the air and the game began.

       Player #13 from our team was first to grab the basketball. He dribbled down the court but was blocked by #20 on the purple team, so I extended my arms into the air and yelled, "I'm open!"

       Player #13 passed the ball to me and I dribbled it closer to the basket. Once I was standing directly in front of the basket I attempted to shoot the basketball into it, but I was blocked by a taller player. After getting a glimpse of their face, I immediately recognized who they were.


       He stole the ball from my hands and dribbled it towards the other basket. I quickly followed behind Seojun and tried blocking him by stretching my arms out in front of him, but he still managed to dodge my block and passed it to a player on his team, #17.

       #17 ran up to the basket and shot the ball. I watched as the ball left his fingertips, flew into the air, and headed straight through the net.


       I looked over at the scoreboard. It now said "0-2" meaning that my team, the white team, was losing so far.

We all repositioned ourselves back into our designated spots on the court, and the gym teacher once again threw the ball into the air. This time a player on the purple team, #20, was able to grab the ball first, and he quickly dribbled the ball down onto our side of the court. One of my teammates attempted to block him, but #20 swiftly ran past them and effortlessly shot a basket. I watched in awe as the basketball went right through the net.

       The scoreboard now said "0-4" which meant that my team was still losing.

       Once again everybody got into their positions on the court. A player on my team was able to snatch the basketball once it was thrown into the air, and he dribbled it down the court. Once he was blocked by a player on the purple team I ran to an area near him on the court and yelled, "I'm open!"

       But this time Seojun quickly ran in front of me and spread his arms out so that I was fully blocked. Blush creeped onto my face once I realized how close we were to each other. Our bodies were only a few inches apart, and if I took a step forwards Seojun and I would be touching.

       I was now focusing all of my attention onto Seojun rather than the game. I noticed how a bit of sweat dripped down his forehead and I could feel his warm breath touch my face.

       "Focus on the game. Focus on the game. Focus on the game," my mind kept telling me, but as I continued to stare into Seojun's stunning brown eyes I just couldn't focus my attention back onto the basketball game.

       "Gosh, control yourself Suho," I scolded myself as I shut my eyes tightly and shook my head a bit. Once I opened my eyes Seojun was no longer standing in front of me, he was near the basket waiting for an opportunity to shoot.

       Very clever.

       I continued to stare at Seojun from afar as I stood in the center of the court. His purple jersey clung tightly to his body, and I could somewhat see an outline of his abs through the thin material. He looked really hot.

       "WATCH OUT!" I heard somebody scream which brought me back to reality.

       "Huh?" I said as I turned to face the direction of their voice, but before I could even process what was happening a basketball came flying at me and hit me right in the head. The force of the ball caused me to come falling onto the ground and I immediately felt a huge pain on the top of my head.

"Oww," I groaned as I felt my head throb. My vision began to blur.

And before I knew it, everything went black.

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