Chapter 56: Addicted To You

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       Suho's POV:

       "So...why exactly are you here?" I asked Seojun after helping him up. Several security guards stood around the two of us, glaring at Seojun.

       "Oh uh, well I wanted to see how you've been doing," he replied, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. I couldn't help but grin at his foolishness.

"So you came all the way here, impersonated some random man, and ran from a bunch of guards just to 'see how I was doing'?" I raised an eyebrow, smirking as Seojun's cheeks turned red out of embarrassment.

"Well...yeah," he uttered out, now avoiding eye contact with me. "I missed you."

Feeling a bit guilty for making fun of him, I gestured for him to follow me outside so that we could have a bit more privacy as we talked.

We sat on a bench that was right in front of the building. Both of us were dead silent, waiting for the other to talk.

"Suho," Seojun suddenly blurted out. I turned so that we were facing each other.

"Are you...crying?" I muttered, eyes widening once I noticed how watery his eyes were getting.

"Why did you disappear?" he sniffed, completely ignoring my question. "I got no texts or calls from you for three whole years. For fucks sake, you could've at least kept in contact with me while you were in America."

I gulped, guilt overcoming my body with each word that left Seojun's lips.

"Look...the reason I blocked you was because I knew that there was no way that I could handle a long distance relationship. Plus, while we were dating our relationship was pretty I guess I needed a break," I confessed, staring at the ground as I spoke.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" Seojun scoffed. "Did you ever stop to think about what I wanted or how I felt?!"

I paused for a moment. He did have a point...this whole time I had been so focused on myself that I hadn't even acknowledged his feelings. Still, was I ready for things to be back to how they use to be?

"Seojun, does it really matter? Our relationship ended years ago, so talking about this just feels like a waste of time," I sighed as I held my head in my hands. "I feel nothing for you anymore."

That was a lie.

I heard Seojun take in a sharp breath, flinching at the harsh tone in my voice.

"That's how you really feel?"


"Yeah," I replied monotonously.

"But I...I still love you," Seojun desperately muttered out, placing his hand on top of mine.

I love you too.

I moved my hand away from his. Seojun's eyes widened at the action, finally grasping what was going on. I was rejecting him.

"Fine," Seojun uttered, staring blankly at the ground as he got up from the bench. "I'll go."

I watched as he began to walk away from the bench, not even bothering to take one last glance towards me.

Panic began to fill my mind. Was this actually the last time I was going to see him? Did I want to see him again? Why did my heart feel so heavy?

"Come back," I whispered. He didn't hear me.

Before I new it, Seojun was out of my sight.

Addicted To You (Suho x Seojun)Where stories live. Discover now