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Darien's POV
"Blue beard again?" Conner asked, "Yes, always. Okay, I have work, I need to buy some groceries, Blossoms doctor appointment, and pick you all up from school..! Ooh I wish I could curse right now." She said, looking like she was about to explode. "Tell us why you have a mundy job again?" Therese asked, looking at the bowl of cereal on the table. "I didn't have a choice, since we don't have a.. mayor or a sheriff.. I found it difficult to find a job. Everything's broken.. It's like--" Rose placed her hand on her forehead. " "Mom", It's almost time until the bus arrives. So let us finish our breakfasts." Winter complained. It was silent for a few seconds until Roses eyes landed on me "So Darien, I found this under your bed.." Rose said, opening a dour and pulling a piece of paper. "Which I told you to clean up, anyways, last year I was wondering why on earth your report cards didn't send through the mail." She showed me. It's my report cards, "What do you have to say?" Rose asked leaning on the counter. I shrugged and looked down, "Darien, these are really bad grades.. I'm disappointed in you." She said, "I was just distracted.." "Of what? Your daydreams? You have to pay attention in class!" She raised her voice. I looked up at her, "No. I just.. People say I was a mistake," "Actually, to all of us." Therese interrupted. Rose sat down on a chair, listening. "The kids in higher grades like 8th spread rumors, saying we're like the monsters children, saying they shouldn't be around us--" "Guys, just don't listen to them--" Rose said. "No, you don't get it. They say how terrible our parents were, that they abandoned us, leaving us with you." Therese said. "You guys aren't "the monsters children". And your parents didn't abandon you guys. Your mom is trying to end this war." Rose tried to explain, she placed her hand on her cheek, pretty focused. "No Rose. We actually came from a monster, dad. Mom left to avenge a wolf, not for us. Not even for the fables community. And every day, Every year, It's like we.. start losing our purpose." Conner murmured. Rose was (pretty much) in shock at what Conner said, she removed her hand from her cheek. *beep beep* I looked at the window to see the school bus, we grabbed our book bags "The bus arrived, gotta go." We said, avoiding if or what Rose was going to say next.
Therese's POV
"Hey, Therese!" I heard Blossom walk down the stairs, I looked back from the couch, "Yeah?" I asked. "Mom said that she needs help with the laundry.." "Don't call her "Mom" Blossom." I said, irritated. "Then what should I call her?" She asked, angry. "Rose. She's not our mom and never will be. Not even how much she tried." "That's a little harsh, Therese. Can't you give her a chance?" She asked, looking down. "I could but I'm not going to." "Just go." Blossom said. I groaned and went up the stairs.
-Roses bedroom
"Rose?" I said, opening the door. The door creaked. Rose looked at me "Heyy, um, can you please help me with the laundry?" She asked. "What for?" I crossed my arms, "Look I had a busy day okay?" She groaned. I groaned and nodded. I walked over to the bed, Rose took the basket full of wet clothes and placed it on the bed. "Just take the socks and hang them on the line, okay?" I looked at a hanging-like rope that was attached to the wall and to the other. I grabbed a sock and started hanging them, I was almost finished and I misplaced one. It fell on the ground, next to the bed. I kneeled down to pick it up, I noticed tons of papers under the bed. I picked on up.
To rose,
Rose please write back, I need to know how the cubs are holding up.
From Snow
What?! Was this from my mom? This was sent two years ago!! I started reading some more..
From snow
From mom
From your beloved sister Snow
Rose has been keeping this for so long..?

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