Meeting a new fable?

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Theresa's POV
-at the 13th floor

I remember this crummy old floor, It's where you make glamours, spells, and portals. I walked in the old door that had a sign that said "Witches Only this is tough shit!👌". *sigh* Home is a mirror away, but I'm already here so... "Hey! it's you again! Trying to steal my positions again! Where are your little buddies and that psychopath Bloody Mary?!" I heard a witch say.
Snows POV

"Did you find anything?" I asked him "There's a piece of hair. It's Silver." He said sniffing the hair. "It's a wolf, just like me." He said "Wolf?! Bigby, Is it?!" I asked "Who?" he asked "Theresa?" I said. "I don't know isn't she dead, But anyways I'm going to find out?" He said. "I'll go get changed," I said going into my bedroom to get changed. 5 Minutes later, I got out of the room "Found anything?" I asked "No, not really." he said. "Will you have to question the cu--" "Maybe." He said turning to me "okay, then." I said. Bigby walked into the baby room. "Be gentle with them!" I said. The phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?" I said "Hi, is Sheriff Bigby around?" A woman said "Bigby," I shouted out to him "It's for you" I said, he walked out the baby room and I handed him the phone to him. "Shit!" Bigby roared and hangs up. "What?! W--What's wrong?!" I asked him as he walked towards the door. "It's happened all over again!" he said "What's happening all over again?!" I asked "A murder!" he said turning to me "No! Why?" I said "Mommy? Daddy?" Darien opened the door "Not now, okay. Me and daddy are having a chat! Please?" I said and Darien closed the door. "I'll come." I said "No, not now, I'm the sheriff and I'll deal with this Snow!" I said. "I just want to help" I said "Well today isn't the day!" he said leaving.


Theresa's POV

I killed the witch. she was just gonna tell the sheriff, I came back. I gotta pretend I'm another fable if I meet him. But if he tries anything stupid then I'll kill him. I don't know. I just gotta get out.


Bigby's POV

The elevator doors opened, I walked in and pressed the 13th floor. The elevator doors opened and I walked out, as I was walking towards the witches door I saw a girl in the corner of my eye. She had a hoodie on and she was skinny as hell! She looked at me, I turned to her "Who are you?" I asked "What's it to you?" she said "What kind of fable are you?" I asked "Hm, I have a rough story behind me" she said. "Yeah, But which fucking fable are you?" I asked one more time, as I put my hands on my hips "The Lonely (wolf )." she said "The Lonely? I never heard of that fable before." I said. "Are you knew?" I asked, she nodded "Aren't your parents around, currently?" I asked "Nope. My mother was killed. And my father abandoned me." she said without any kind of emotion. "Okay, I'll discuss with you later, just wait here." I said "I have better things to do, Sheriff," she said as she walked towards the elevator. I pulled her hoodie down, She had silver hair. "Wait?! Why are you here?! Were you in my wife's apartment?!" I shouted at her "No Sheriff. I wasn't. And the reason I came here was to get a stupid glamour. That I don't have enough money to afford, But somehow I manage. Now, can you just leave me alone?". She said shrugging her shoulders, "Where do you live?" I said "Why do you wanna know? That's kinda my personal biz." She said. "*sigh* I'm alone. And I wanna keep it that way." she said "Are you--?" grinned my angry grin "Theresa!!!" I shouted " The fuck is wrong with you?!" she said in a nervous tone. "I'm taking you to my office!" I said "Oh we don't think so" The girl said with a double voice "The fuck?!" I said as she turned into some kind of demon monster! She stabbed me with her long nails in my ribs "Aaaaaaargh!" I screamed in pain. "Now it's time that we get our revenge" she said again in a double voice as I fell to the floor "NO STOP!" I heard Snow scream. This might be the first time I was glad that Snow came, But I knew that she could get hurt, also the same day when we get married "Snow don't get cl-- Aaaargh!" I screamed in agony as she dig her nails in my shoulder. "I wouldn't do that hon" she said "What are you?!" Snow said "What do you want from him!" she screamed. "My revenge. Make sense?" she smirked. I punched her off me "Who the fuck are you?!" I screamed at her sitting straight up "Bloody Mary!" She said groaning on the floor "What?! But I fucking killed you!" I screamed


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