Ripped apart

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"Uh, Theresa?" Rose asked, noticing me. I got up, "You've been keeping this the whole time?" I sneered. I quickly stood up, showing the paper in my hands. She walked around the bed to face me, "Give me that." Rose said, desperate.
"Mom has been sending us mail and you haven't even--" I stopped myself, I studied the papers in my hand. "Give me that!" She grabbed my wrist and her other trying to yank the letters from the hand. "No stop!!" I screamed, pulling back. I pushed her and the letters ripped.
We both stayed there, Rose looked at me. She roughly grabbed my hair and pulled me over to the door, I almost screamed my lungs out while she was at it. She swung the door open and pushed me out of the room, letting my hair go.
My hair was messy and tangled, my cheeks were red and my head hurt. "You don't deserve us! You have no right!" I shouted at her as she closed the door. "Shut that little ugly mouth of yours!" She shouted I still had the ripped pieces of the letters, "Theresa!" Everyone came running up to me. "No no no!" I stared at the letters. I looked back up "Rose has been keeping moms letters from us!" I showed them the ripped paper. They stared at it, blankly. "It's just ripped paper" "No! Look!" I showed them again. "Look it"
The ripped paper only said
Dear, Rose and Cubs
I've been here for a while but I p--
"DAMN IT!" I screamed.

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