This isn't like you!

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-Midnight at Snows place

I laid down on my bed, I heard the door open, "Oh god." I muttered. I got out of bed, then opened the door to see Bigby. I haven't seen him for so long I almost forgot how he looked like, he had a lot more hair and more built. I was facing his back, he was just looking around the place. He had dirty, well.. everything! He was completely dirty. I thought I was going crazy, how could Bigby be here in my house when he's suppose to be at war? I got closer, walking up to him. He heard my footsteps and turned around, he stared at me for a few seconds. "Snow?" he squeezed out, "Daddy?!" I heard Therese scream. The cubs ran over to him, I couldn't believe any of this. He hugged them like it was the end of the world. "C'mon, guys, go back to sleep.. me and your mom are going to have a chat. We'll have fun tomorrow, I promise." he said, The cubs pouted and stomped over their room. Bigby walked over to me, I quickly placed my hand on his left cheek. "B--Bigby?" I said, tears fell down my chin. "It can't be...." I smiled at him, but he still kept his serous face on. "What is it?" I said, moving my hand away from his cheek. "No it's nothing... Just come with me..." he said grabbing my hand.


Hours later

Theresa's POV

"Did you bring her?" I said getting up from my thrown, "Yeah." "Bigby what the hell is wrong with you?! I should've never fell in love with you!" Snow struggled to get out of his grip. "This isn't like you, Bigby!" She said, "Lock her in, Goldie." I said fixing my tight dress. "Wait? What?!" She said.
Therese's POV

"Haha! He's like 'Give me your food human.' Hahaha!" I said as I ate my apple, me and my siblings were exploring around the farm since mama doesn't let us. Eventually we found a dog, "Give him some, Therese! He's begging!" Blossom said. "No! I just--!" He took my entire apple and ate it. "No!" I pouted, "What're you guys doing out here? Aren't you suppose to be with Snow?" I turned around to see Colin. "Oh, mommy's out. I don't know where though." Darien said. "Really? And she didn't take you guys with her?" He asked, "Yah!" I smiled with my eyes lighting up. "We saw Daddy today!" Winter said, "What?Really? Well, where is he?" he asked. "We don't know." I said "Well, C'mon." Colin said, "Okay!" All of us said.

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