The Broken Toys.. New Queen?

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Before things went down. (When prince brandish found Theresa.)

- In a broken down kingdom

"Me? Queen? But this place is muddy and dirty." I said splashing a small puddle with my foot. "We need you. We need a new queen. We won't sleep in ease. The place will tear down. We won't be able to survive! This is why we want you to rule the Adversary's. Us." Prince Brandish said. "Then why are you guys called the broken toys?" I asked, "Because. We're broken, left, abandoned from fabletown. Especially from Snow White and Bigby Wolf." He said "Fine." "You'll be our queen?" One of the tiny people said "Yes, I'll be your queen." I said.



-Three years later

"Mommy, why do we have to take photos every holiday and send it to a man? Isn't it kinda weird?" Therese asked smiling at the camera. "These photos are for your father." I said taking the picture, "Why do we have to send the photos to him?" Winter asked looking shy. "Because. Wouldn't you want him to know how you look when you finally meet him?" I said, "What if I don't want him to know how I look like? I barely know my dad." She said, I took a picture. I frowned "Yeah! Daddy said he would come back soon!" Therese complained. "No, daddy said he was coming back.. not coming soon. Anything can happen during war." Blossom said. "Then you have a bad memory Blossom!" Therese said as she put her hands on her hips. "Yeah... maybe he's not coming back.... maybe he's dead." Conner mumbled "Conner!" I angrily said. After that I took all the photos, including a letter from me and the cubs and mailed it to Bigby Wolf.

-Few days later
Bigbys POV

I was resting on my dirty bed. "Bigby! You got mail." Blueboy walked over to me with his dirty green shirt, and his cut, bruised hands from all the fighting and shooting. I'm surprised I made it this far, but the only thing that keeps me fighting is Snow and the cubs. I opened the letters to see photos of the cubs.. they've grew more than I imagined. Then I saw Snows picture, 'I'm coming back Snow... we'll be a family again.' I smiled. I found letters from Snow and the cubs.

Dear Bigby,

Everything's been calm here in the farm. Rose came to visit for the week, she also gave the cubs some gifts and helped out with the errands too. I hope your okay. I miss you so much, I hope to see you again, I love you. Be careful.
From Snow White.

To daddy,

Daddy where are you? I bet it's hard. I miss you. I turned eight last week, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. I can barely remember your face. I hope you'll come back soon. And thanks for the necklace. It's so beautiful.

From Blossom.

To daddy,

Daddy. I miss you so much. I got a new Barbie from aunt. I love you!

From Winter.

To daddy,

Daddy I don't understand. Why have you been gone for so long? I barely remember you.

From Darien.

To daddy,

Dad, I have this cool new toy car! Aunt Rose gave it to me when I turned 8.

From Ambrose.

To dad,

Dad, I'm not really sure what to say. All I know is that your in war and I'm lonely. I hope you can come back very soon.

From Conner.

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