Part 15: A hard decision

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- Morning somewhere around 9
Bigbys P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch with Snow, I kissed her lips as she slept or so I thought. She opened her eyes and gave me a worried smile " What...?" I asked, she pointed to my wound on my chest " Was that Mary...?" I shook my head. "Who was it....?" she asked as I rested my head on her chest and she started to play with my long hair, " Bigby...?" she asked again " was Theresa...." I said with a sorrowful face. She kept caressing my hair which made me sleepy, "Where is she now...?" she asked " With Red only if she wants to..." I shrugged my shoulders... It got awkward for me so I got up and saw I had half my pants on, I quickly put them back on I looked at Snows naked body for a second "I love her so much.... I don't know.... what to do?" I thought. She got up and fixed my shirt and tie which I still had on she gave me a seducing hug, I hugged her back. I separated the hug and gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips, she ran her hands on my shoulders and wrapped her arms around my neck. I slowly put my hands on her waist " I got to go..." I said " Where?" she asked giving me a sorrowful face " I'll be back." I told her and kissed her again. I went to the baby room and kiss all 8 of them on the forehead and walked out the door.

-In the business office

I went to the business office to do the rest of my work everyone gave me scared glares because I ripped off Mary's head at the Witching Well, especially Bluebeard. I ignored them all and went back to work

-18 hours through TONS of paperwork
- 3 am in the morning

I was in my office doing tons paperwork, " Finished!" I said to myself. I gathered all the paperwork I've done and started to walk to the business office, and gave the finished paperwork to Faith sitting on Snow's chair. Faith was replacing Snow for just 2 more weeks and she'd go back being a normal worker instead of taking all the stressful shit she had to do for fabletown. " Thanks sheriff!" She said looking through the paperworks, she put her hand on her forehead " Argh..." she grunted from the stress and lounged in the chair then she looked at the rest of the paperwork she had to do " Do you need help?" I asked " Thanks... Bigby but... stay with Snow and your cubs, you don't have anymore paperwork or do more paperwork for me..." She kept rubbing her forehead. I gave a worried face at her "Bigby it's fine go on!" she sternly said, I walked out the business office and rubbed my eyes from how tired I was I felt like collapsing on the floor. But I thought of something before I would go to my apartment.

-At Snow's apartment

Snows P.O.V.

I was holding Darien in my arms he still hadn't fell asleep yet, I looked at the time " 3:17!" I thought. I sighed and wondered where Bigby was, I put Darien in his crib and walked to my cellphone. I dialed Bigbys number I was getting worried, he didn't pick up "waaaah!" Darien cried " Fuck" I muttered I walked to the fridge and grabbed a baby bottle filled with milk. I walked up to Darien and gently picked him up, I started to give him milk from the bottle. He finished the bottle and quickly fell asleep, I sighed in relief and walked to the living room and sat on the couch and put my hand on my forehead. I heard my door open I turned to my right to see Bigby " Bigby you are back... where have you been?!" I worriedly asked him "Doing work...." he said closing the door and scratching the back of his head, "Just Work?" I crossed my arms "Yea..." he said walking to the baby room. He picked up Ghost and cradled him in his arms, we heard a soft knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it, I looked down to see Theresa covered in blood and looking down. "T-T-Theresa!" I muttered " Can I come in!" she rudely asked then looked up " Snow.....?" I heard Bigby say from the baby room, I was shocked to see Theresa covered in blood! I stepped aside and she walked in " Thank you...." she said, Bigby walked out from the baby room " Snow why is she here?!" Bigby asked " 'Cuz I don't have anyone to take care of me idiot....and because I just wanted to visit you!" she rudely said " I'm taking you back to Red!" He angrily stepped towards her. But she growled at him to stay away, and Bigby gave her a angry smile " What do you mean you "don't have anyone to take care of" you? Don't you have Red? " I asked "No...not anymore..."she grinned at me. My eyes widened, I turned around and quickly ran out the door, Theresa was about to chase me but Bigby grabbed her. I ran to apartment 518 there was blood on the door knob, I quickly opened the door and followed the bloody footprints from Theresa it led to the kitchen I quickly approached the kitchen without hesitation. I saw Red on the floor, There was claw marks on both of her sides I quickly ripped a piece of clothing from my shirt and tightly covered the deeepp wounds on her sides. I put both hands on her cheeks " Red!!!!" I screamed at her and softly shaking her. Blue Boy entered the room " What happened!" Blue Boy ran to us " S-she's...-oh god!" I sobbed. Blue Boy picked her up and put her on the couch " she going to be fine" I asked " No... she stopped breathing!" He said while he started doing CPR on her " Fuck... Should I call Doctor SwineHeart....again?" I asked " No............she's breathing again...and he has the day off so..." He said " Thank goodness!" I said in relief and sat next to her, he held her hand " Did Bigby do this?!!!!" He angrily said getting up I stood up facing him " he didn't" I said " Then who the fuck did?!" He asked " Theresa..." I answered " You mean that little girl did this?!" He pointed to Red " Yes....she did but..." I said "I forgot about Bigby!!!" I thought "Watch over her I have to go to Bigby!" I said running out the door, I heard the cubs cry and that made me even more worried. I ran to my apartment to see Theresa in her wolf-cub form and Bigby with his glowing red eyes. Theresa was struggling to get out from Bigby's arms, she bit his arm making him a deep wound " Ah...fuck" Bigby grunted as be held his wound " It hurts like hell!" He complained " Bigby!!!" I cried and ran to him. As I was running to him Theresa got on top me and tried to bite my neck but I quickly pushed her off with my leg. I tried to get back up but she bit my ankle before I could " Ahhrg!" I fell back on the floor, she got on top of me again. I grabbed her neck before she could bite me again. Bigby got up and kicked her off me into the kitchen, we could hear her whimper in pain "Bigby!" I limped to him and looked at his wounds. " Are you ok?" he asked "" I asked, I put my hands on his chest checking his wounds he took my hands off his chest " Yea..." He said walking towards the kitchen as I followed. The whimpers got louder, I covered my mouth. Her leg was completely broken with a bone coming out, Bigby stepped on it and she whimpered even louder " Bigby! stop!" I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away. Bigby smacked my hands away from his arm and gave me a glare to stay away, he then kept stepping on the bone. Bigby opened the cabinet and pulled out a knife " Bigby!!!Stop!!!" I begged, I grabbed his wrist when he wasn't looking and he gave a another glare " Snow back the fuck up!!" He threatened " Why do we have to do this?! This way? She's just 3 Bigby! 3 years old! She's too young!" I tried to reason with him " She's not too young for me..." he angrily said "Your a sick fuckin' monster if you do this! I won't watch you become a murderer!" I begged " Then don't watch!" he said with his angry smile and that truly broke my heart.

Srry it was short guys😔And thx for reading don't forget to vote and follow to see wat happens next!😜💃

Oh and tell me in the comments if you want Bigby to kill Theresa or let her live!


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