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Bigby POV

"What's going on?" Bluebeard walked towards us. I looked at the girl which was gone "What was that thing?" Snow asked "I... I don't know. She said that she was.. Bloody Mary? But I already killed her! Two fucking times, Snow!" I angrily said getting up "But! I don't understand? How is she still ali--" "I don't fucking know Snow! Okay!" I said "AAAHH!" "Oh, God the cubs!" Snow said and ran towards the stairs. "Wait, what the fuck happened?!" BlueBeard angrily asked "Fuck." I mumbled and ran to the stairs as well. BlueBeard grabbed my arm "What the hell is going on?! If you don--" "Shut the fuck up! My cubs are in danger!" I interrupted him and pushed him away. I ran all the way downstairs to my apartment and kicked the door open to find Snow holding Therese on the floor "No, no, no, no, no! Not again!" I ran to them "Bigby.. please help her. She's losing too much blood." Snow sobbed raising up Therese shirt to see a big deep cut on her side "Shit. No baby," I sobbed sitting on the ground and holding her myself "Don't... Don't do this, please." I sobbed. "Call.. Doctor SwineHeart! Fucking now Snow!" I shouted at her, she quickly got up and ran to the phone and dialed SwineHearts Number "Anng... nnng... Daddy...?" She sobbed "Put pressure on it, Honey" I said as I put her hand on her wound "Your going to be okay. Just don't fall asleep." I said "Daddy... it hurts.." She sobbed. "Is Sis gonna be okay?" Winter said opening her door, The rest of the cubs opened there (baby) door and peeked there heads and running to me and Therese. "Doctor SwineHeart! Hurry! Come to my apartment, it's the cubs! Therese is badly injured, hurry please!" Snow said and hang up. She turned around "Get back in your room!" She screamed at the cubs. They quickly dashed in there room and closed the door.

Now I can only update a few times each month now because u know that S word (school😭). But of course I will try my best to upload new parts ASAP!

Thanks for reading! 😉 Vote and comment to see what happens next!

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