Part 3: The hospital

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(Pretend the Crooked Man and the rest has been arrested.)

Bigby's P.O.V.

I woke up in a comfortable bed I was in the hospital where Doctor SwineHeart works at. " Argh!" I luckily survived another silver bullet "Snow!" I screamed I forced myself up. I had a heart monitor and everything I quickly took off the things attached to me and started to limp as fast as I could to the hallway. I looked to the left to saw a doctor walking up to me "Sir, you need to go back and rest in your bed" The doctor said calmly " No! I need to see Snow, Where the fuck is she?!" I shouted. "I'll take care of him Frank." a man said behind me I turned around to see Doctor SwineHeart walking up to us. The other Doctor nodded "Where. Is. Snow?" I said giving him a angry grin " Don't worry Bigby she's alive" he sighed. "Thank Goodness, where is she" I asked again "She's not doing so good Bigby she lost a lot of blood taking that shot to her chest, I request not seeing her for today" Doctor Swineheart said. I let depression get to me " sacrificed herself for me" I thought clenching my fist. Doctor Swineheart led me to my bed " What time is it?" I asked he looked at his watch " 2:39pm" I sighed I closed my eyes and went back to sleep

-It was the next day in the afternoon-

I woke up and sighed. I closed my eyes and turned to my left side. I quickly opened my eyes and got up and checked my wounds, they were healed. except the silver bullet wound I hold my side and started to walk out the hallway again I looked to the right of the hallway and saw Doctor SwineHeart walking up to me. I sighed in relief and said " Can I go see her know?" I said he nodded " she's down the hallway in room 219" he said and pointed to the room. I walked to the door, I reached the handle and turned it. I opened the door a saw her with a breathing mask and a heart monitor. I sighed as I sat next to her and put my hand on hers.

Snow's P.O.V.

My eye's started to open and I saw Bigby's hands holding mine while looking down "what hasp-ed" I said Bigby quickly looked up at me " Snow! oh, Snow, Thank goodness!" he said squeezing my hand. I removed my breathing mask and leaned into him, our lips touched " Now is not the time, when you get better" He said with sad eye's. I laid back on the bed and shut my eye's


" Ok, Miss White you are all set to go back to your apartment, but please rest and that goes for you too Bigby" Doctor SwineHeart said.
Me and Bigby got in a taxi I felt his hands run up and down touching my thigh so I started stroking him through his pants I got a moan out of that -knock~knock- the taxi driver knocked on the glass, we stopped. We reached the apartment I hold Bigby's hand and went into the elevator, Bigby pinned me down and started to have a steamy kiss I ran my hand through Bigby's brown hair. He forced his tongue through my mouth I moaned we separated from our steamy hot kiss to take a breath. The elevator door opened, we quickly walked to my apartment door I opened it and went in. Bigby pulled my waist and pinned me to the wall I let my hair down as he left love-marks on my neck I kept moaning each time he left a mark down my neck. He started to unbutton my khaki jacket it slowly fell down the floor as I untied his tie I quickly remembered when Bigby kissed Nerissa but I shook my head and forgot about it because I wanted Bigby SO much that I didn't really give a shit. His tie fell down the floor, he started to unbutton my shirt revealing my breast he looked up at me in a confused way "I didn't want to wear a bra today" I said he started to bit his lips, then he started to lick my nipples and bite them. I kept moaning I put my arms around Bigby's neck and I put one of my legs around his waist he got my signal. I put my other leg around his waist and he started to kiss my neck again. I moaned and I tighten my legs around his waist more to get even more closer to him, our breathing got heavier. He carried me to my bedroom
-In the Bedroom
He took off my skirt along with my panties and said "You ready for...this" he said nervously I palmed his cheek and said "Of course I'm ready"

I will be out of wattpad for a while cause I'm going to a vacation for 3 days with my fam but I will not delete this story or even stop I will come back to make more "Parts" ASAP! I love ya guys😜 ill miss ya😭

& thx 4 reading pls vote and follow 2 see what happens next😉

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