I'm Sure.

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I was in my apartment, Making Dinner when Bigby came in."Did you check the trip trap?" I walked up to Bigby, "Yes. I'm sure it's Theresa." Bigby said. "But how can she be alive and Bloody Mary too?" I said "I'm not sure what's going on either Snow. I'll figure this out, Snow." He said, he put his hand in his pocket "What am I suppose to do?! Watch my children get hurt by a girl?! I'm going to help!" I snapped. "Snow, I'm losing my damn temper each second I take to find her!" he yelled "I'm going help too!" I said! sternly. "No! You are a fucking mother! So your job is to watch over the family, That is why Therese got hurt! Because you weren't there for her!" He yelled at me. It's true... if I was there Therese wouldn't get hurt, Bigbys eyes began to glow red "Bigby! Don't!" I angrily said "I'm going to the puddin' and pie." He said. "What? Why?!" I angrily said, "I found a clue leading to it. Even though Puddin' and pie is abandoned." He said "What kind of clue?" I said crossing my arms, "I found a piece of a teared jacket. It's the same color as the jacket hanging from the puddin' and pie's sign I saw a few days ago, And Theresa's jacket... (Its) Purple." He said. "How are you certain that, that's Theresa's jacket?" I asked "Because Snow!" he said leaving. I sighed an put my hand on my forehead. "Mommy? Why are you and daddy fighting?" Darien asked with his cute, childish voice, "No we weren't fighting sweetens." I smiled and walked over to him. "We were just talking about a case." I picked him up and kissed his forehead, "Sounded like yelling to me." he gave me puppy eyes. "Don't worry, baby... Go back to bed. Its already passed your bedtime." I said pushing his hair behind his ear and put him on the floor. He walked to his room "Love you sweetie." I said and closed his door.

Srry it was short😔 thx 4 reading and vote and comment to see what happens next!

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