Part 5

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Theresa P.O.V.

"Mommy...?" I rubbed my eyes " Yea..?" Mary said " I want to have some fun" I pouted " Like?" She said " Like go to the park or the beach or--" I got cut off " No! Your sick and you need to rest!" She said I pouted, After mommy fell asleep I sneaked through a portal. Leading to the business office " What?" I thought then hid behind a desk. "I bet this is Aunties desk..." I thought. I began to walk around the place, I hadn't been here in a while. I heard the door open, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey on the floor and hid behind The Magic Mirror. I heard the footsteps get closer "I need to get out of here!" Those thoughts rewind in my head " Mirror, Mirro--" I smashed the bottle on the persons head " Shit! AAaahhh!" It was Snow! " Im bleeding dammit!" she said in pain covering her right eye " Ther--Theresa?!?!?!?!" She screamed my name. I quickly ran to the door, Uncle opened the door. He looked at Snow then me, " You again?! Why don't you stay away from my family!" He screamed at me as his eyes turned red " I didn't mea--" Uncle threw me across the room. I slowly got up " He doesn't care about you anymore" I remembered what BloodyMary said to me a few days ago " You...guys don't care about me do you? nor love me... - I got up- but I don't care if someone cares about me anymore! They can all rot in hell!" I screamed at both of them. Uncle looked at Snow, " But why hurt my family?!" He angrily said " I didn't mean to! I never asked for this! I never asked to be found by that Red! I've rather die than stay with you guys! Being in fabletown is Full of it! " I screamed at him " I do my damn best to not be the monster I was back then! Do you know how hard it is to not be accepted?!" He screamed at me " Bigby..." I heard Snow mumble. Finally I catch my uncles name! " All I wanted was to be cared by my uncle because he was the only family I had left... then he... turns me down.... Treats me... like a stranger! I don't want to see your Damn face again Bigby! If I do... I'm gonna kill the only people you love..." I smirked at him. He gave me an angry smile, " Theresa... We still care!" Snow said " Like hell you do! My Mommy knows best for me and she says you-- all of you guys don't care!" I sobbed " BloodyMary..." I heard Snow say under her breath " I'm Going to kill that bitch!" Bigby screamed " Don't call her like that!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs then ran up to Bigby, I got on him and pulled his hair hard " Theresa stop this now!" Snow ran up to us. She tried to pull me away but instead she threw me to the floor hitting my head hard on the floor. " Oh my god! Theresa! Are you okay?!" I heard Snow say I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry and I couldn't feel anything I tried to crawl away from them, I saw a pool of blood on the floor "Is that my blood?" I thought " C'mon get her! We need to patch her head up she's bleeding!" I felt like I was being lifted up, I started to panic! " MOMMY!!! AAAHHHH! HELP ME! MOMMY! MOM!!!! MAMA!!!!" I screamed until my throat was sore and I couldn't speak anymore. I was laying down on Aunties desk. I couldn't hear a thing, I could see Bigby and Snow talking to each other. " MO--M! MOMMY! AH--AAHHH!!!" I screamed again kicking and swing my arms around, kicking and throwing the things off the desk " MOMMY HELP ME THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME MO--" I got Interrupted by Snow's hand covering my mouth. I could tell she was trying to speak to me, I began to cry. I looked to my left there were many people going through the business office door creating a crowd of fables watching me as Bigby was pointing them to the door to get out they could hear me scream. I began to cry again, all I wanted was to get back to mommy but they wouldn't let me go. I began to panic again kicking my feet around and moving my head left and right. I closed my eyes for a long moment hoping for her to be there! I opened them again, there she was behind Snow. I kept looking at her with a confused face, Snow could tell I was looking at something so she looked back but there was no one there from Snow's eyes. " Am I going crazy?!" I thought, Snow let go of my mouth and called out for Bigby. I reached out to her and said "Mommy?" she was going to reach out to me but Bigby picked me up. Bigby was also concern that I was having hallucinations. I was very confused at that moment " NO! STOP! I WANT TO BE WITH MY MOMMY!!! MOMMY" I scream and started to squirm around. Bigby put me in a car and Snow sat next to me and laid my head on her lap bandaging my head as good as she could do. I looked up at her and said " I want to be with mommy" I calmly said with a plain face and then I dozed off.

Thx for reading guys!!!!!!! Srry it took long and I tried to make it long. I hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment to see what happens next!

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