Shouldn't Try Anymore

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I had to pick up Therese from the hospital today, But when we got home... "NO! MOMMY! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!" she yelled. "Why?!" I angrily asked. "Because! She's in there!" Therese said "No shes not!" I said opening the door, It was awful dark in the apartment.. kinda made me shiver. A gust of cold wind came and touched me, I (tried to) turn on the lights.. But no. 'I should call Bigby' I thought, "Stay here." I sternly said to Therese "I'm going to get your siblings. Just.. Stay here please?" I said and she nodded. I walked in 'O-Kay, getting very creepy' I thought, I was walking to the playroom were the cubs would usually be, 'Please... Not again.' I thought. When I walked in the playroom I saw BloodyMary (in kid form) watching TV with the cubs. They were watching a kids show with a a song, which was creepy at this situation. "No! Get the fuck away!" I shouted at her, she got up "I just.. want to be cared for." She sadly said. 'Oh god. This IS Theresa. She's been all alone?' I thought. I slightly shook my head "How can I care for you?! You hurt Therese!" I said "I couldn't control myself! There was something's inside me that I couldn't control!" She sobbed turning around to face me. "I-- How can I believe you?!" I said, "Because." she mumbled "Who are you!" I yelled. "... BloodyMary." she said looking at me "No, your not. Tell me!" I yelled again "Oh. You mean Theresa? She's long gone. Shes stuck in her own fantasy world. Were people actually care, she stays there all day afraid to come out.. because she doesn't want be hurt again." She said coming closer. "Darien, Ambrose, Blossom, Winter!" I yelled at them "Yes mommy?" Winter replied turning around "C--come now." I said "Leave!" I yelled again. So they did. "What do you want from us you monster!" I said "Be cared, not to be alone, Not homeless. Like your children." she said "You'll never be cared for, for what you did to my child and this family." I said. "Its your fault. Your just denying it." she sadly said "No. I know. But that was in the fucking past. And now you could've just come back, be nice, be a good child. But you intend to harm this family. I wish Bigby had killed you back then."

Theresa's POV

'I'm always turned down by this family.' I thought "You started this!" Snow said walking out the door. I really shouldn't try anymore.

Snows POV

"Snow! I heard yelling! Are you and the cubs okay!" Bigby ran up to me. "Bigby! It's Theresa! She's in there! Hurry." I said "Fuck." he mumbled and went in. "Stay here." I said (to the cubs) I followed Bigby in, Theresa was still there, Just.. standing there, Creepy like. "I won't bother you anymore." She mumbled " I don't want this anymore. I really don't. With just one heart beat, I'll be gone." She said looking up at Bigby "No. You're fucking coming with me!!!" Bigby yelled at her. "Fine." she mumbled as he forcefully grabbed her arm, he pulled her out the door. "Thanks Snow." He said "No problem. Just get her out of here." I said crossing my arms.

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