Prince Brandish

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Throughout the chapter it's gonna turn a bit into fables comics.. just wanted to tell u guys.

"Mom, can we go to Disney land???" Therese kept fussing around cuz she always wanted to go somewhere every day! I ignored her and said "Eat your breakfast." she pouted and went back to eating lucky charms. I heard a loud knocking on my door, 'Dammit, I hate it when people knock like that!' I thought and walked to the door. I opened the door, to see a woman with dark glasses and a suit with black and white squares. "Hi, there. I'm Cindy and I am working for the top secret service (spy). My boss told me to look for a young girl named Theresa, she has eaten five people in just three days and killed many children in ten days. She is highly dangerous and needs to be putted down. Someone has told me that she has hurt your daughter Therese, and your son Ghost, He was decapitated. He died when he was just half a year old. This girl has also hurt the man called 'The WoodsMen'. He had a shard impended in his side, many fables has died because of this girl and I need help finding her. Since your the sheriffs wife.. I hope you don't mind if your husband can help me with this case." She said with a smile. Her smile quickly faded "You see- I've been following this case for a couple of weeks. I was told the sheriff invited her in your house to get some supplies. I assume she is homeless?" She put one hand on her hips. "Yes, she is." I said, "Good. Well, do you know where she lives? At least one place you can name." She asked. "Who are you?" I asked " Like I said 'I'm Cindy and I am working for the top secret service'." she said with a serious face. "You'll have to speak to my husband. He works downstairs." I said, "Okay then. Well. Thank you. Hopefully we'll meet again Miss White." she said and left. "Who was that mom?" Darien asked peeking out the door, "Just... somebody who needs to work with your father." I said closing the door. 'She was kinda odd.' I thought, "So mommy? Since you didn't answer me last time..... can we go to Disney land?!" She asked, excited. "Someday..." I said, she pouted. I rubbed my forehead, "Whats wrong mummy?" Ambrose walked up to me. "It's daddy isn't it? Are you guys fighting again?" Therese asked, curious. "No... no it's not your father. Its just that girl who hurt you, Therese." I said looking at her, "Oh, her? She's scary.. but nice at the same time. Weird, huh?" she said. "She's nice to you?" I asked, "Sometimes. When she doesn't lose it." she shrugged.

Theresa's P.O.V.

I was walking down the streets, "Oh, dear, look at you... Your thin as a stick! Come with me and I'll take care of you." I heard a man say. I turned around to see a man with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, he also had a red jacket. "Who are you?" I asked with a puzzled face. "I am Prince Brandish." He said "I've heard that you aren't cared for, you are a homeless poor little girl." he said patting my head. "Dear, I've been looking for you Theresa." He said, "Why? Why am I so important to you?" I said looking down. "Because I need you for something. A little birdie told me you were looking for revenge." he said. "You stole a handful of supplies of potions and hid them at your place... Can you lead me to it?"

Snow's POV

"But mummy..! I don't wanna go!" Darien cried, "Why not?" I asked "Because the kids are mean to me and winter!" he sobbed on my shirt. I kneeled down to him, "Well, can you protect the pack while I'm gone?" I asked him pushing back his hair. he nodded and went back to the line, *sigh* I sighed and turned around "Hey there! I came back to talk to your children." Cindy said looking at the line (of children). "I'm sorry, they're going to school today." I said, "Doesn't madder where they're going... Your cubs might be in danger." she said with a sharp tone. "Okay," I said, scared. "But, be careful with them." I said, "I'm not a child, Snow." she said walking up to them. After I went to the business office to work, "Snow! The villain's are.. *pant* *pant* asking for a war!" Blueboy busted into the office. "What?!" I said getting up from my chair, "Wha--" "I already said that we didn't want war! Bit they didn't listen. I asked them why they wanted to start a war but they didn't respond. They said that they'll start the war themselves, I don't know why but... it something including Theresa!" He said. "FUCK! WHEN'S IT EVERY GONNA END WITH HER?!" I yelled making echoes in the room, Bigby walked in. "Snow what's going on? Whys there scre--" the window shattered, "Bigby!" Blue boy shouted pushing Bigby. Bigbys cheek was slightly cut, After that he fell to the ground. "Bigby?!?!" I said running to him and getting on my knees, "Bigby? Bigby?!" I yelled, shaking him. "Blue Boy, call one of the witches and Doctor SwimeHeart! Now!" I said. I looked to the side, it was a arrow.

"It looks like that arrow had some poison in it, it was meant to kill Bigby. But since it only cut his cheek, he'll be fine. He is just gonna be asleep for a few days... maybe." Doctor SwineHeart said. "Oh, god.. Bigby." I said pushing back his hair, "And that poison wasn't like any kind. He even might be asleep for a few years, Snow." Auntie Greenleaf said. "Let's just hope for the best." Doctor SwineHeart said packing up his supplies, Don't worry Bigby, You'll be fine." I said kissing his lips as he slept on my bed.

I did a part called pity but my wattpad says i didnt update that!😡. Please vote and comment to see what happens next!❤

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