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*Knock* *knock* *Knock* I heard someone knock on my door, I opened it. "Theresa? Why the fuck are you here?" I said as I put one hand on my hip. "I need--!" "Oh god! Really?! After you--!" "Just for one or two minutes. I'm just eight!" She said. "Fine! But you. Do. Not. Go. Near. My Cubs!" I sternly said, "Okay." she said walking in, after her Bigby came "Bigby!" I angrily said.

I walked in the room after Bigby and closed the door, "Why the fuck did you let her come in my apartment?!" I said. "You idiot!" I said walking to him, "She had nowhere to stay, Snow. I know, I'm mad too at Mary for.. what she did to Ghost, Therese, and Theresa." he said "Wait, That's Mary or..?" I asked, I crossed my arms. "Yeah, Shes Mary and Theresa." He said "Wow, are you sure?" I said "Yeah, I just need a break." He said. "Fine, Mr. Wolf. But you ask for permission first." I said getting closer, "Can I have a relaxing day with my lovely wife and kids, Miss White?" he asked. "Sure, If thats what you want." I said touching his wide chest. He kissed my red lips, we stopped kissing for me to take off my blue cloth shirt, revealing my bra. I went back to kissing his rough dry lips, We slowly move to the bed. ( They're in the bedroom if u didnt know lol) I slowly rubbed his big bulge, he began to get harder, making the pants tighter around the spot. I laid him down on the bed as I kept rubbing him "Ooohh, it looks like someone is having fun." I smirked, I went up and kissed his lips. "I love you so much..." he mumbled in the kiss, I went back down and unzipped his pants. "What big cock you have, Mr. Wolf." I smirked licking the tip softly, "Mmph." He moaned. I circled my finger around that spot, "Nng.. Snow... faster..." he mumbled. "Does 'The Big Bad' wolf like to be teased?" I said, "A little.. Sometimes" he smirked. "oh, really?" I said, then started stroking his cock, I nibbled on his tip for a while. "Okay, Snow, that's enough. No more teasin' " He said with a serious tone, "Fine then." I smirked. I got up, "What are you doing?" He asked "Leaving." I said. "No. C'mon. I didn't mean it that way." He said, stroking his cock, "Not in my bed." I smirked. "Fine." he said shoving himself in his pants, "I gotta deal with Theresa first.. because you let here in." I said getting serious. "Okay, she only came here to your apartment because she needed some supplies." He said getting off the bed. I opened the door, she was waiting, Sitting down on a chair, just.... very still, weird like. "Theresa... you came to get some supplies, right?" I asked getting closer, she grabbed my hand "Please! I can't be alone again! I can't be ALONE AGAIN! PLEASE!" she begged, pulling my hand. "Stop!" Bigby said, Bitch slapping her. She went back to being calm and still, she had bags under her eyes, and bruises around her body, she was also very skinny and looked very pale.. like she was getting sick. But I really couldn't careless, she hurt my children.. and when someone does that means crossing the damn line for me! "I came here for... food, water, and medication and other stuff." she said looking up at me. "First: what kind of medication would you want?" I asked, "Pain killers." she said. 'What's really wrong with her? I just.... have to ask.' I thought "Whats wrong with you?" I asked. "My muscles hurt... my body also is shutting down. Once or twice a day, I spit out blood." she said with a pale face. 'No... don't feel pity! She hurt your child. But she's just a child... children do stupid things sometimes don't they? No! I just... cannot forgive her just like that!' I thought, balling my fists. "Okay, I'll go get the supplies you need. After that... you leave and never show your face in fabletown again! Do you understand?" I said with a stern tone and a serious face. "Yes." she mumbled, looking down. "What did you say? Stop. Mumbling!" I angrily said, she looked up to look me straight in the eye. "Y-e-s!" she said, gripping on her jacket. I turned to Bigby, he had a sorrowful face "Don't feel pity for her Bigby... that's what she wants." I said to him. "But I don--!" "Did I fucking tell you to talk? Listen you little shit. You stay away from my family. If I see your face again-your going down the Witching Well!" I said, walking away to get her supplies.

Tried to make this long 😄 Vote and comment to see what happens next!

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