Part 7

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Snows P.O.V.

I was in my car and Bigby was driving. I felt sorry for Theresa, She didn't deserve any of this. But Bigby still didn't care about what just happened. What he did to his niece, what he took away from her. He doesn't care! It's like he brushes it off! I sometimes wonder why I am in love with a--a monster! He just... " Snow! Snow!" I heard Bigby say waking me from my thoughts. " Yea?" I said looking out the window " Are... you ok?" he said "I'm fine thanks for asking!" I rudely said. " Snow... I did the right thing!" He said with anger " No Bigby! No you didn't! You let the monster get to you! And you didn't stop it! Because hell you didn't want to!" I screamed at him with tears running down my cheeks. " Lets have this conversation later! I am certainly not in the fuckin' mood Snow!!!" he screamed back.

At Snow's apartment

"Hey guys!" Rose said walking up to me. " How are the cubs?" I said " They're fine... just sleepy" Rose said with a smile. Her smile faded quickly when she saw Bigby, " Wha--what happened? Why are you all... B--bloody?" Rose asked of course he didn't answer. " It's nothing Rose... But thank you for watching over my cubs" I said rubbing my arm " No problem" She said.

Later in the afternoon

I went to bed to rest, I heard my door open. Obviously it was Bigby " What do you want Bigby?" I asked " Nothing" He said and laid on the side of the bed. He had a sorrowful face " What is it Bigby?" I said concerned coming closer to him. " I regret... everything Snow" he said. " You were right... I let the beast get the best of me" he said " am I even able to protect the people I love" he turned to me. I gave him a sorrowful face, I caressed his scruffy cheek then placed my lips on his. And quickly stopped " I love you Bigby" I said with passion and a sweet smile. He then sat up " I love you too Snow." He said "how's your eye doing?" he asked "Don't worry about it, Bigby" I said with a sweet smile "C'mon, Let me see" He said moving closer to me and raising my small patch "It looks good But I think we should go check Doctor SwineHeart tomorrow" he said "Snow! you got a phone call!" Rose shouted at me, we quickly stopped and I got up from the bed and walked out the room. Rose handed me the phone "What is it now Bufkin?!" I asked. " Faith needs you..." Bufkin said " Well, tell her I'll be there in a minute" I said and hanged up " What was it?" Bigby asked walking out the bedroom and into the living room "Nothing, Faith needs my help so I'll be there in a minute. Take care of the cubs for me please, and watch over Rose too" I said and kissed his lips, I grabbed my bag and left.

THX 4 READING!! lol Vote and Comment pls, srry I took a long time 😔

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