Where is she?

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Bigbys POV

"Snow?" I said, I snuck out to Snows places. But I didn't see her nor the cubs. "Snow!" I shouted, great I finally come to visit and they're not here. Snows probably doing some deeds, "Dad?" I heard. I quickly turned around to see my little Therese, She ran up to me and hugged my legs. I picked her up and hugged her. "Daddy..." she sobbed, hugging me as tight as she could. "I missed you so much!" She kept sobbing, "I missed you too munchkin..." I smiled, getting teary eyed. "Wheres the rest of your brother and sisters..and your mother?" I asked worried, I placed her down, seeing how little she was compared to me. I smiled, but still showed some concern for my cubs and Snow. I can tell she's angry confused, and sad, I can tell out of her smell. This is why I'm concerned. "Didn't mommy go with you? You said that you had to talk to her--" "Where?! Where exactly did she go?!" I shouted, clenching my fist, I probably looked like a monster to her. "Um..." She said, not knowing what to say she just took a few steps back. "..Outside." she answered, "And the rest of you guys?!" I said, desperate for a answer. "W--With Colin!" She said scared, "Okay..good.." " Daddy, why are you here?" She asked. " To be with you guys."

So srry it was soo short, srry it took a long ass time too! But I updated! And I hope you guys enjoyed!
Bye-bye 💋💋💋

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