Part 4

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Bigby's P.O.V.
- the day after

Snow stayed in the baby room as I was making coffee. I wasn't in the mood to be crying I didn't want to remember yesterday. I heard Snow crying in the baby room but I really didn't want to go in there, I filled the cup of coffee and sat down on the couch. Snow finally came out and sat on the other side of the couch. She covered her eyes with her hand " I don't think we should get married..." I said with a serious face, Snow quickly took her hand off her eyes. She slid the ring off her finger and threw it to the floor, and walked to the bathroom. I picked up the ring " You didn't let me finish Snow..." I mumbled as I put the ring in my pocket

-Few mins later

I finished my coffee and walked to the kitchen. I put the cup in the sink and I put my hands on the counter, how much I tried I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I heard the bathroom door open " Snow..." I said. She ignored me! " Snow!" I said walking up to her and grabbing her arms " You didn't let me finish! I don't think we should get married... yet because we need to deal with Theresa...! And much more things I don't want to be-- I don't want you to be even more stressed out by our engagement" I said " ...Ok..." that was all she could say, She didn't want to do anything or say anything she was too heartbroken from yesterday. I pulled her in for a hug but she didn't hug me back. " Bigby do you really love me?" She asked. I stopped hugging her " Yes, Snow, I really do love you" I said. Her Raven hair was covering her eyes so I pushed them behind her ears and pulled her in for a kiss. Our lips touched, she started to move her lips and kiss me back. Our kiss got rougher and sloppy as I pulled her body closer to mine. "Hmn...!" She moaned, I pinned her onto the wall. She took off her shirt and ran her fingers through my long hair "Bigby! Hmn..." Our kiss got steamier. * Ding dong* "damn it..." Snow whispered. We separated, she quickly put on her shirt and walked to the door I fixed my hair. She opened the door "Snow!" a woman hugged Snow tightly " I'm so sorry for Ghost!" Rose hugged her tightly. Snow hugged her back trying to hold back her tears. When she said that my head dropped as well did my shoulders. "Can... I see the cubs...? I can't believe one of my nephew..." She stopped herself from speaking. "No..." Snow depressingly said looking down "o-ok! that's fine-- it's your cubs-- I-I'm so sorry!" she kept talking then covered her mouth allowing her not to speak anymore "And don't go in the babyroom. We uh... Bigby needs to... Investigate what happened to our..." Snow began to cry. Rose tried to comfort Snow " Don't-- Don't touch me!" Snow screamed at her Rose quickly stepped back and her hands nowhere near Snow, I could smell Snow with mixed emotions extremely sad, confused, and full of anger. She was angry at two things the killer and her sister " Maybe I shouldn't called her..." I thought in regret. I put my hand on Snows shoulder trying to comfort her, she then hugged me wetting my white shirt with her tears. " Go rest in the bedroom" I whispered to Snow, she left to the bedroom only leaving me and Rose. I could smell Rose she was nervous to speak or even move leaving the room awkward " The cubs are with Doctor SwineHeart. They're being care of Rose." I said " .. Ok.." she said. It felt awkward being around her, " I try... to make up for my mistakes by trying to apologize to her... but she still... doesn't trust me, we used to be good sisters but... I made the worst mistake I could've done!" She tried not to break in tears."Why did you call me then? Since she doesn't want me to see the cubs.." She asked me " Well... Snow--when we found Ghost well she didn't want to deal with... You... because she thought you where enough trouble... So Snow asked Doctor SwineHeart and he said yes but he can only take care of them only for a few days because he has patients to attend each day" I explained " Okay so... she wants me to leave or..." She said "I don't really know?" I shrugged my shoulders " I have to... Investigate Ghost's...." I tried to speak " Its fine sheriff! You can go." she said with a smile and with teary eyes. I entered the room " I would guess BloodyMary did this..." I thought looking around but not at my child's head carelessly on the floor. I didn't want to see his head but I had to find out who this piece of shit did this to my son: Ghost

Thnx for reading people! I'm sorry if this part was short!😔 But vote and comment if u want to see what happens next!

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