The New BloodyMary?

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Theresa P.O.V.

I woke up in a bloody room, but I had to get out of here for some reason, I had to run away where no one would find me. I also didn't remember anything. I didn't remember the lifeless bodies why they were on the floor and not even remember them. But even though I felt like crying, I felt like I lost someone I loved or important to me. But I remember the name Bigby Wolf, he was the person who killed that someone I loved. I got up, I held my head it hurt so much and my leg was broken, my eyes were bleeding, my shoulder had a terrible wound, and my side hurt and was bleeding. "What... happened?" I mumbled to myself. There was a portal opened in the mirror, I went in the portal. Once I did I felt a sharp pain run through my body "Nn--!" I couldn't scream nor speak for some reason. I looked down at my arms, there was glass through my arms and I was all bloody "Stop..." I whispered, I touched my head. There was a big shard in my side " Oh my god!" I said "I need help!" I mumbled. I looked at a mirror I was covered in glass " I.. am I BloodyMary?" I laughed. "but how old am I? I completely forgot everything!" I thought " Oh well." I mumbled. I scanned my surroundings, I saw glamours and a sleeping bag, food, a knife, and many mirrors. I walked up to a mirror that says ' abandoned building' Maybe I can stay there this place is... weird. I grabbed all the glamours, all the food, and the sleeping bags. And went through the mirror, It was very dark and the building was covered in vines and dead plants It was a creepy place to live in. It was around the woods, "It's gonna be hard living here" I sighed.

- 3 cold days later

It's been 3 cold days without much covering and I don't know how to make a fire! "Dang it...!" I said, I didn't have too much food left. I only had for 3 more days, I didn't know what to do.... I was panicking in my head. I was in the top floor so I had to run down a whole lot down the creepy stairs. I have to hunt down some food or... *Sigh* and I also need to get some water, I don't have much left only the pouring rain and the puddles they leave, and I don't have any bottle to store the water in. I finally reached downstairs, It was pouring rain outside. and hard. Without much cover, I quickly ran out and pulled out the knife from my bag.

Bigby's P.O.V.

I was sitting in Snows couch, Snow came out from the baby room and walked towards me. I could smell that she was nervous. " Bigby... Now that everything's.... over, Can we get um... Engaged?" She asked rubbing her arm "Of course!" I quickly stood up and kissed her soft red lips. "Good. But lets plan the cubs birthdays first, Okay?" I said and she nodded.

Theresa's P.O.V.

Few mins has past and I already found a cabin! with bottled water but tottered food. "Argh...!" I pinched my nose from the disgusting and terrible smell! I stuffed most of the bottled water in my bag and left the cabin, I was walking enjoying the butterfly's around and the birds chirping, but I wish I would know where they were so I could catch them and have at least a nice meal.

Thx 4 reading srry it took time to upload another part I got too lazy and I got bored and BOOM! this happened srry if it was crappy lol

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