Part 16/final

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Snows P.O.V.

Bigby aimed at her heart "BIGBY STOP!!!!" I screamed and tried to push him, he stabbed her side I got on my knees and took the knife out from her belly and pressed my hands on the bleeding wound " What's wrong with you!? she's not even a kid yet!" I said " Well she almost killed me and the cubs! She's a threat!" Bigby said as I put more pressure onto the bleeding wound. " Shhhh......I know it hurts..." I hushed Theresa as she bled away. I kept arguing with Bigby as she turned back into her human form " We can't leave her to die" I kept arguing and looked at Theresa's wound it was bigger than I thought, I quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I ran back to Theresa and covered the wound "What do we do!?" I turned to Bigby "Kill. Her." He said walking towards her " Fuck you Bigby!" I said, I stood up and tried to push him away from Theresa. He wouldn't stop walking towards her, I got in his way " Stop this please..." I begged as I put my hand on his chest. He gave me a sorrowful face and stopped, " But.. She tried to kill us" Bigby said turning serious again " I know she's just....lost in the woods" I said, " then call Doctor SwineHeart" Bigby said walking towards her. I stood there for a moment just to check if he was gonna hurt her, he press his hands on the bleeding wound " Ok" I said and ran to my phone.

At Bigby's apartment
- Sometime around midnight🕙
Theresa's P.O.V.

I was asleep in Uncle's chair, " Argh..." I hate being in my Uncle's place or even see his face! I stood up straight since I was lounging in the chair. I saw that my stomach has been bandaged and also my leg but I couldn't move it, " Theresa...." I heard. I turned my head to my right and saw uncle, I gave him a aggressive growl " Look I just wanted to make things better... that's all." He spoke " We don't have anything to talk about!" I tried to stand up "Arhg!!!!" I fell back on the chair " And you didn't have a choice....!" He said getting closer to me " We need to talk... about your behavior if you don't fix this- just why did you hurt red!" he said, he put his hand on his hips and the other on his forehead " Because I felt like destroying something and-I couldn't control myself... I know what I did- but she was always scared of me and I didn't want.....!" I said " Yea but you made her even more Fuckin' scared of you.... Please don't make the same mistake I did many years ago! Now everyone in fabletown is afraid of me do you know how that feels? Everyone fears me... and that's far worse than just one!" He said " I... No one cares about me...." I shrugged my shoulders and looked up at him, " Theresa..." Uncle reached out to me "Don't even dare try to touch me!" I growled at him.

Thx for reading guys😉 srry it was short😔 vote and follow to see wat happens next!✌this is gonna be the final until I make a new chap so... thx again I will do it ASAP!!!!!


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