Part 12: Is She Back...?

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Little Red Riding Hoods P.O.V.

I went in Theresa's room to check if she snuck in by herself, She was taking a awful long time. Theresa wasn't in her room, I felt something was wrong so I went to Bigby's apartment.

- At Bigby's apartment door

I heard two people discussing something "Why don't you want me to stay with the cubs Snow", I didn't want to interrupt them but this was important! I desperately knocked until someone would open the door. Snow opened the door, "What!" She rudely said with a pissed off face. "Had you seen Theresa!!!!!" I desperately said walking into the room. " What do you mean!" Snow asked " She's lost Snow!" Bigby said. " Please help me find her! Bigby your her Uncle aren't you going to help too!" I said " I-I'm not sure if I'm he-" I interrupted him " I knew you never changed your just a selfish- even if she's is or not your niece you still need to help her!" I said stomping my feet on the ground and getting closer to his face "Red..." Bigby said I walked out the door. I raced outside along did Bigby and Snow and we started searching

- 3 months had past and there was still no sign of Theresa.
- Winter
- 2pm at night

Snow's P.O.V.

" Waaaaaaaah!" Ambrose cried " Arhg!" I said in frustration as I cradled him in my arms. I picked up the phone " Bigby! Please help me!" I said " Why? You said that you didn't trust me around the cubs!" Bigby angrily said " That was a long time ago Bigby...please" I begged "Fine!"

- 5 min later

*ding dong* "waaah!" all the cubs started to cry " Shit!" I put Ambrose in his crib and reached the door "Bigby! thanks for coming!" I said with a big smile "Yea..." Bigby said with a sorrowful face, I led him to the baby room. It was too much for me to handle.

-30 mins later

I was sitting on my couch, Bigby came in the room " They're asleep..." he said sitting next to me. I missed Bigby's touch... He put his hand on his forehead " So... I'm going to leave..." he awkwardly said as he got up and started walking to the door. I quickly got up and grabbed his wrist " No! uh... stay" I said all flustered and staring at my feet. I felt his hand touch the back of my head, Bigby pulled me into a passionate kiss. We moved to the couch, he took off my pants I was wearing and I unzipped his pants. We heard the door open from the other room, we quickly got up and put my pants back on. Bigby quickly moved to the door nobody was there to open the door " Creepy..." I said " Yea..." Bigby said scratching the back of his head. "I'm going to leave now" He said walking out the door, He was still hurt that I didn't trust him around the cubs. " Snow?" I heard behind me, I quickly turned around to see my mirror. I was too scared to move, Then I saw Theresa in the mirror "Theresa!!" I screamed in joy " Wha-what happened?!" I asked " I'm with Bloody Mary... Actually I like being with her she's very nice to me" She said smiling " I finally can be with some one that cares about me!" She screamed at me. "No Theresa I care about you! Bu-" She interrupted me " Yeah Fuckin' right!" She screamed at me "Like you ever cared! And like "Yea lets say we care about Fuckin' Theresa"!!!!!!!!!! And like Uncle cared!!!!!" She screamed until her throat got sore. " No Theresa-" she interrupted me again " Just- I want to let you know I'm with someone who cares, Right?" She looked at he left to see Mary caressing her hair. " GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER YOU BITCH!!!!" I screamed at the bottom of my lungs " C'mon lets go sweetheart..." She soothingly said to Theresa picking her up and disappearing from the mirror.

Thx 4 reading😉 srry it was short guys😔 Vote and follow pls and thx for all of your support guys😭😭😭

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