Part 10: The day has come

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-At Snow's apartment
-Somewhere around 12:00 am
Snows P.O.V.

Theresa was being taken care of by Little Red and only 20 more days left till labor I was exited to meet my children but I was still afraid of the Crookedman's Crew. I was laying down on my couch when Bigby was in the kitchen. I rubbed my belly something didn't feel right. " Bigby!" I cried in fear I got up and quickly ran to him " What is it?" He casually asked "Something isn't right!" I said. Bigby got on his knees and put his ear on my belly, I felt flustered but scared for my children. Bigby got up and said " There's nothing wrong Snow." he said " oh...ok good" I said I started to tense up I felt embarrassed I'm not really sure if we're a couple tho. I kept looking down as Bigby kept giving me the suspicious face " Why are you all tensed up" Bigby said giving me a smut smile. " Im not." I calmly said I turned around trying to avoid him I turned back to him "Can you give me soda crackers please? My stomach doesn't feel right..." I said as he opened the freezer to find wine or a drink, looked at me and said " Sure..." he gave me a smut smile again, he pulled out a beer " You shouldn't be drinking Bigby" I sternly said and went to the couch.

-Somewhere around 8:00 pm

I felt sleepy so I went to my bedroom I changed into my robe and cuddled into the bed. I was falling asleep when I felt something warm cuddling my body. " So warm..." I thought out loud and cuddled more into the warmness.

-Daytime, somewhere around 3:00

I woke up to see Bigby cuddling with me I felt embarrassed, I pulled back his hair " He looks so peaceful" I thought I was about to get up when "You thought I was sleeping?" Bigby said "yeah..." I said pushing my hair back at my ears then pulling it of how embarrassed I was. "Where are you going?" Bigby asked " bathroom..." I quickly responded. I walked to the bathroom " Ahh...nng" I grunted then I felt water go down my legs " My water broke!" I screamed out to Bigby, Bigby quickly opened the door and said "C'mon we gotta go!" he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me softly to the couch " Do you have a car!" Bigby desperately asked " Yes! nng...grab the keys- I stopped talking to catch my breath - quickly! it's on the table" I said. Bigby quickly got the keys and gently pulled me up, we walked out the door. We reached the car and Bigby started the start the car and drove terribly fast. I kept breathing roughly and that made Bigby tense up even more "Nnnnnahrg....! Bigby don't drive so fast!!!" I said in pain. Bigby still didn't listen to me " Bigby!!!" I said shaking his shoulder slightly, We reached the hospital where SwineHeart worked at Bigby quickly parked and opened the door and got out and went around the car to open my door. He opened my door and grabbed my arm very gently. I got out of the car and felt the pain go up my back " Ahng!" I quickly held my back from how big the pain was. Bigby rushed me into the hospital and at the counter " My...girlfriend is in labor!" Bigby said as he kept me standing. A doctor brought a wheelchair to me that was not being used I quickly got on the wheelchair as they drove me (in the wheelchair) farther away from Bigby " Wait...cant he come!" I looked back at Bigby from the wheelchair his head was low looking down at the floor and clenching his hands as a nurse spoke to him "I'm sorry ma'm but he needs to be your husband to enter the room your going to give labor in" The Doctor said. "No! husband or not! I'm the one who's giving labor!" I said " Fine, - he turned his head to the nurse next to him- can you go get the man over there. please!" The Doctor demanded the Nurse, she nodded and went to get Bigby. We reached the room the Doctor only needed to open the door " I'm so not ready!!" I thought out loud. He opened the door and we went in, The Doctor got my hand and pulled me up to my feet " If you can, can you sit here?" I sat on the bed as he put little needles on my arm and a line on the needle followed to a plastic bag with liquidated morphine. " Snow! I'm here" Bigby came racing into the room and quickly came to hold my hand " Are you ok? " Bigby asked " I will be after this..." I held Bigbys hand even tighter and he did the same as well.


Srry it was short😔
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