Part 6: Why was this happening to me?

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Theresa's P.O.V.

"Why was this happening to me?" I mumbled in my sleep, I felt someone's hand on my forehead. I opened my eyes to see a doctor but he didn't see me looking, he took off his hand and said " She's got a bad fever, one of her legs are broken, has a pretty bad wound on her side it looks like she has been stabbed, and her head is very, very badly damaged and her memory might be lost or either fuzzy... And her eyes might bleed and that would very bad so... There might be little hope for Theresa, I'm very sorry Ms. White, Bigby. She might not make it she's been through a lot and I think it's best to... put her out of her misery tomorrow at nine o'clock ." The doctor said. " MISERY?!" A woman screamed with a patched up eye "No! that's not happening Doctor SwineHeart!" The man near her sternly said " Fine but if you want her to keep suffering!" The doctor said. The woman looked out at me. She tapped the man " She's awake!" She said they all started looking at me " what does "misery" mean?" I asked The woman fixed her shirt and the man looked away. "A state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body. Something like that" The Doctor calmly said. "Oh... okay" I said. I felt my head " What--what happened to my hair?!" I asked " they uh shaved it..." The woman said she got closer " How are... you... feeling?" She sadly said " My body hurts... a lot" I replied " Your going to move in with Bigby and Snow" The Doctor said " No! I may not remember you guys very well but I remember what you guys did to me! And I want to be with my mother! where is she?!?!" I screamed and started to have a tantrum. Many nurses came into the room and held me down on the bed as the doctor injected a needle into my shoulder. I calmed down but squirmed in my bed " Stop... stop... please..." I began to cry. " You're my uncle and aunt aren't you?" I said look at them both. " We should let her rest calm down." The doctor said and left the room. " I have to go!" I thought trying not to fall asleep again. I got out of the wide and tall bed " Ahrg!" I screamed. A nurse came in " Sweetie, can you go back to your bed please?" she asked nicely she reached out to me. I grabbed her hand and bit it " Ah!" she tried to push me away, she fell to the floor from the pain and I bit her neck, she quickly died. She was carrying a bag I opened it, it was full of meds and candy with food. " Was this for me?" I said grabbing the bag. I reached in her bag and found a red lipstick and there was a mirror. I wrote "BloodyMary" on it 3 times and turned off the lights. I then said Bloody Mary 3 times, I waited a while. Nothing " Mom where are you? Oh well " I shrugged " Where should I leave? I just can't walk out the door" I thought. I looked at the window " Hmn...? Maybe through the... window" I thought, I opened the window.

Bigby's P.O.V.

" We heard screaming!" I said coming in the room with Snow " Dammit!" I screamed " she escaped, she went through the window!" I said, "Oh my god!" Snow ran to the nurse's lifeless body. " We have to kill her!" Bigby said, Snow began to cry " why did this have to happen?! " Snow began to sob. " She's too dangerous" I said, I looked out the window. Theresa was hiding " Come the fuck here!" I screamed at her and grabbed her hair, pulling her to me " NO! MOMMY!" She cried out "Hello Wolfy!" A woman laughed. I looked at the mirror as I pulled Theresa into the room "Bloody Mary..." I mumbled with a angry smirk. Snow went from behind and stabbed her with a needle on the shoulder " MOMMY!!!!! NO!! STOP PLEASE!" Theresa begged. Mary fell on her knees " Don't ever trust them honey!" Mary said almost dozing off " You've said enough!" I said, I kicked her ribs " Argh!" She grunted " NO! KILL ME INSTEAD PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!" Theresa screamed, sobbed, and begged. But Bloody Mary needed to be dealt with. I turned half wolf and ripped her head off as her body completely fell to the floor. I held her head in my hands. I looked at Theresa, she was covered with Mary's blood. Her face showed no emotion, But I could tell that she was completely shocked and depressed. Of course I felt sad for her, but I did the right thing, she was being influenced by Mary and I could not stand that! " You're-- you're a monster! I wish you could die!!!!!! I will kill all your cubs I--" I slapped Theresa really hard that she fell to the ground " Don't fucking talk!" I said with my eyes glowing red " Just let me..!" I said. "Did Mary kill Ghost?!" I screamed, " I don't--" she stopped talking like she remembered something. " WHAT?!" I screamed at her " Bigby! Calm down please..." Snow said touching my shoulder " She... Did" she confessed. I felt like the beast inside me was ripping its way out. I grabbed Theresa's arm very tightly "I didn't know...! I didn't know!" She said raising her hand over her head trying to defend herself, " I didn't know it was your child, she gave me the body to eat. But I didn't feel so well that day" she nervously said. I slapped her again from rage! And snow just left the room she didn't want to see what will happen next. And she wasn't going to stop me, Theresa's eyes began to bled. She bit my arm, " Ah! fuck!" I grunted and slapped her. Her eyes began to bleed even more, she fell to the ground " Why...?" she painfully said. " I don't... want... this... just... leave me... alone... please...." She tried to speak " You said "Why'd you stop being the Big Bad Wolf" let me tell you one thing: I never did stop!" I said. I stepped on her broken leg, of course she couldn't feel it. " Leave......... m-me..........a-alone" her voice was shaky, I picked her up and threw her to the wall with my eyes turning red. I was half-wolf, the wolf was tearing out of me little by little " You already.... TOOK MY MOTHER FROM ME!!!!!" She screamed getting back up. Her eyes turned into a strange color that I've never seen before, but I could feel rage take over me. " I HOPE YOUR MOTHER ROT IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed at me. I got really fuckin' mad, my mother didn't deserve to die! I ran to her and grabbed her arm and bit a huge chunk from her shoulder " AAHHH!" She screamed in pain. I threw her once again, she hit her head. I came up to her..... she died(?). I knew I was going to regret it all when I calm down but I did not fucking care. I walked out the room and closed the door, I turned to my right and saw Snow crying " Did you..." she sobbed I nodded and she began to cry more. " Lets go back..." I said.

Thank you for reading peeps! don't forget to vote and comment!😄


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