Part 4:Cheating

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Bigby's P.O.V.

I kissed, bit, and licked Snow's neck. she moaned when I reached her breast
I spread her legs when " Sheriff, Miss White?!" A mysterious voice said "Blueboy?!" I said we quickly separated. Snow covered herself with the blanket and I zipped my pants " had your apartment door opened...and Nerissa is waiting for you sheriff." Blue boy said and left. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" I screamed "Just...go...go to Nerissa, see what she needs" Snow said laying on the bed. I sighed and left

Snow's P.O.V.

Bigby left my apartment room. I didn't want to go to the business office so I got dressed and went for a walk outside " Argh, I need a drink" I said with my hand on my forehead. I went to the Trip Trap " What do you want" Holly said in a rude tone. " I just want a drink please" I said nicely "Fine, Jack give her a damn drink, I just need to use the bathroom" holly said "Fine" Jack said with a grin. "Here you go!" He said handing it to me I took a sip of it, "it taste weird" I thought I started to feel odd like horny. Nope it can't be can it I thought I started to unbutton my jacket. "D-did he just drug me, I can't control myself" I thought. I threw my khaki jacket on the floor while walking up to Jack then I started to unbutton my shirt as Jack had a grin on his face.

-In Bigby's office-

Bigby's P.O.V.

"Thank you so much for breaking my spell Bigby I'll find a way to thank you one day...but what do I do now I have no job." Nerissa said worried "you can work here, help around the place or..." I said " Well, I'd be happy working for you" Nerissa said I scratched the back of my head it got awkward real fast."uh...I'll ask Snow if that would...would be fine" I stood up and opened my door "Just wait here Nerissa I won't take long" I left my office it was too awkward for me. I reached Snow's apartment door, I knocked but no respond I put my ear to the door I only heard moans -this is like Bigby's worst nightmare XD - my eyes opened wide. I opened the door without hesitating "what the fuck is going on" I screamed in my head. "Faster!" I heard Snow scream I opened the bedroom door to see Snow with "JACK!" I screamed Jack quickly looked up with a grin. I clenched my fist " Ahhng... Bigby it's-it's not what it looks like..." Snow said laying down embracing Jack. " Yea, just let me...uhrg" Snow stopped moaning and Jack pulled out of her. I quickly raised my fist and gave Jack a good punch on the eye I left him a black eye on his right eye he stood up "What the fuck man why are you doing this? she'd definitely would pick me instead of a asshole" Jack said palming his black eye, that DEFINITELY pissed me off. I grabbed Jack's jaw and slammed him on the wall"Ahmmmm!" He grabbed my arm to break off but failed I squeezed harder, Snow quickly got up from her bed and ran to us. she was giving me small punches on my ribs that didn't hurt me so much it just broke my heart " Stop! Stop! Stop please! Bigby!" Snow begged. I squeezed Jack's jaw one last time and let him go " You monster!" Snow said then I really got heart broken after she said that and ran off to the bathroom crying, "fuck" jack said holding his jaw. I ignored him and walked to my office. I whimpered until I reached my office "Heh I bet Nerissa could hear me" I thought angrily "What's wrong boy she didn't want me to work here" Nerissa giggled "Yup, She heard me" I whispered angrily " You got the job ok." I said with a angry tone "Ok Bigby, what happened?" she asked "Snow...-sigh- she thinks I'm...a monster..." I said feeling tears in my eyes. "I've never felt like this for a woman before" I thought, Nerissa took a moment to figure out what to say " Well I don't see you as a monster even when you turned into a wolf the other day..." Nerissa finally responded "Thanks...Nerissa" I said with my voice cracking a lot. Nerissa noticed that I felt sad, so she got up and walked over to me and sat on the floor between my legs " Nerissa what are you doing?" I asked normally. " I'm going to make you feel better sheriff." she said I raised my right eyebrow she unzipped my pants and started to hold me, she put me in her mouth sucking and licking me I moaned as she sucked me "Nerissa..." I moaned *knock*knock*knock* "Bigby, it's me Snow, I need to talk to you" Snow said in a demanding voice " Get the fuck out of here Snow" I said with my eye's turning yellow, Nerissa noticed my eyes so she sucked harder making me thrust and loudly moan. "Bigby?" Snow said in a worried way so she opened the door " Hey bitch ever heard of privacy?" Nerissa said getting up and fixing her dress. I stood up and fixed myself then zipped my pants I walked up to Snow with a embarrassed and pissed face at the same time "What do yo-" *SLAP* the side of my face was turned to my right side and my left cheek was red. Snow just slapped me straight across the face.

Oooo stuff are going down Sorry this was short but thx 4 reading & vote and follow to see what happens next😜

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