Bigby... what am I going do?

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"Mom what happened to daddy?" Winter asked looking at Bigby sleep in the bed as she was sucking her thumb, I moved them to the living room. " I need you guys to listen, okay, and remember I love you all very much." I said kneeling down at them. " Mommy what's going on?" Blossom asked, concerned. "There is going to be war... And bad people are going to hurt fables. So, when you hear something, anything, you hide, okay?" I sobbed. "Mommy, I don't understand... Why are we having war?" Darien asked " I don't know why either... But people are going to hurt us, so now, you guys can break the rules and turn into wolfs only when someone are hurting you..." I said. "Mum, I can't turn into a wolf." Winter said, "Then hide, okay? Darien, your in charge of keeping the pack together when bad things happen when me and your daddy aren't around, okay?" He nodded his head. "Your the best cubs... I love you all so much." They hugged me, * knock* *knock* *knock*. I quickly stood up and walked to the door, I wiped all the tears away and opened the door. "Hey, your in danger." Cindy casually said, " What?!" I said. "I just figured out that a gang are going to attack this building." She said, " Are you going to take all the fa--" "Yes. The rest of the fables had gotten out of the building." She said.

"Okay, then c'mon--"

I felt this pain on my back and also heat, "Aah!" I fell. I turned around to see the apartment destroyed, "CUBS?!" I screamed out. I quickly got up through the ringing in my ear and the extreme pain in my back. "Mommy..?" I heard Darien "Baby? Where are you?!" I desperately asked. "Mommy!" he screamed again, I found his legs crushed with bricks, wood, everything. "Oh, god" I sobbed trying to lift the wood. "FUCKING-- CINDY!!!!! HELP!" I heard her groan in pain. "What?" she mumbled holding her head, "HELP ME! PLEASE!" I begged. She quickly got up, "What happened?" she asked. "A bomb! Help me!" I said again. She quickly lifted the wood and we both pulled him out. "We need to find the rest of my cubs!" I said, desperate. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that! Just go get Bigby." she said, "What?! I need to find m--" "I said I'll take care of it!!!" she said. I quickly ran to my bedroom, where Bigby was sleeping in. I opened to the door to see him also cover with bricks and wood. "Bigby?!" I said pushing away the wood off him. "Bigby!" I said, I put my ear on his chest to check for his heartbeat, I cried of relief. "Bigby... what am I going do?" I mumbled sobbing in his chest.

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