Part5: Confused

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Snow's P.O.V.

I couldn't control myself I just straight up slapped the Big Bad Wolf. I was so pissed off Bigby didn't understand but now I'm thinking I shouldn't have slapped Bigby his eye's turned to yellow into red.

Bigby's P.O.V.

I looked at Snows pissed off face quickly turn into frightened " Get. The. FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!" I screamed at her face as tears ran down my cheeks. I turned around and wiped them off and closed the door

Nerissa's P.O.V.

"B-bigby?" I said he sat on his chair and rubbed his forehead " I don't know what to do Nerissa?" He said I heard him whimper a little I always think it's so cute out of him but now is not the time "You just have to go rest now, it's already 2:56 " I said with my fist on my cheek. he got up and grabbed my shoulders and kissed me.

-Outside the building-

Snow's P.O.V.

I was walking outside when I saw Nerissa & Bigby go in the cab after they went in the cab they started to make-out " Fuck..." I muttered.

Nerissa's P.O.V.

Our drool kept sliding down our chins while his tongues kept dancing with mine. We reached my apartment .

Snow's P.O.V.

I went back to my apartment "I need to sleep...Argh" I said rubbing my forehead and changed to my robe I turned off the lights and cuddled myself into the bed---------the lights turned on "nnnrrg" I complained I covered myself with my blanket. Wait there's no one in my apartment!!!!" I thought, I quickly sat up frighted " Bigby?" I saw Bigby next to my doorway "uh... bigby what're?" Bigby walked over to me with his evil eyes and with his grin " B-bigby are you okay?" he walked closer to me with his claws he raised one of his hands and scratched open my stomach when-*gasp*- I woke up from a nightmare. I sighed and started to cry. I can't fix this I thought rubbing my eye's I looked at the time *sigh* "it's 9:45 Im late!" I said I got up and got dressed I skipped breakfast and raced to the office "Miss White your late!" Bufkin said sitting on my desk next to my phone taking calls. In the corner of my eye I saw Bigby doing his work "Miss White!" Bufkin pulled me out of my focus "Uh...sorry, what?" I asked "your late Miss White are you feeling alright?" Bufkin asked worried " Yeah, did I get any mails?" I asked "Yes, Nerissa needs help...uh with the pluming?" Bufkin said oddly "I'll go" Bigby said with a grumpy face "we're not plumbers Bigby " I corrected him "whatever" he said " we have better things to do" I stated " Isn't that why this started, the crooked man everything? we need to tend to all the customers Snow!" Bigby stormed out the business office. "What's with his shitty mood?" Bufkin asked I felt sad that I couldn't fix this it was already broken (💔)

-2 hours later

"Bufkin please answer any phone calls while Im gone I have to go to Bigby's apartment door" I said
I was going to give Bigby some extra paper work, "he just avoids me! I thought *sigh* will he even let me talk to him?" I thought, I reached Bigby's apartment I heard Nerissa's moans "I guess not" I put the paperwork in front his door. I went back to the office "ah, Miss White did you-" I interrupted Bufkin " Yes Bufkin yes I did!" I said Bufkin felt sad cuz I got angry at him " Im sorry Bufkin today is not my day" I apologized. Bufkin flew away to the library, Bigby came in shirtless and his hair all messy my panties became drenched I bit my lips looking straight at his abs " Bigby, I need to talk to you!" I grabbed his wrist tightly but it wouldn't hurt him. 'I need to explain what happen with me and jack he drugged my drink and that happened, now I have another pervert in my hands" I looked at the corner angrily I noticed that I was holding Bigby's wrist for a long moment. I felt completely turned on knowing he would smell it, I let go of Bigby's wrist I kept looking at the floor "So..............did you get the paperwor-" I got cut off by Bigby's chest and abs "Omg I love this man I can't..." I thought my breast kept to swell I could feel my bra become tighter each second. I moved my hand to his chest Bigby slapped my hand away and pushed me farther away "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom" I said very fast and quickly walked to the bathroom. I got in but I was still turned on "what do it do?" I whispered I hesitantly pulled down my skirt and panties and spread my legs I began to touch myself in a embarrassed way I never done this before I don't want to but...

-30 minutes later

I came out from the bathroom and walked to the business office I opened the door to find Faith in the business office with Bigby having sex on my desk. " What the fuck is going on here, huh?!

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